
What is cheating? When should you use the warn button.
KuDec wrote
at 4:23 PM, Sunday March 30, 2008 EDT
To me, if you draw out anything that can be given out using the hint button (# of words, # of letters, category, and 1st letter), it's cheating and should be warned.


Replies 1 - 4 of 4
AlexeyMK wrote
at 7:25 PM, Sunday March 30, 2008 EDT
Given the spirit of the game being that the rules are 'evolved' by the community, and that it has been tolerated at most tables I play, I would tend to disagree. The hint mechanism is nice, but people sometimes like giving more than 1 hint (especially if time is drawing closer). It may be worthwhile to either allow more hints as time draws down and THEN try to enforce the illegality of writing '2w' or just accept it as something the community kept.
odradek wrote
at 9:11 PM, Sunday March 30, 2008 EDT
the rules say pretty clearly that you have to use pictures. unless the rules are amended, I would go by what it says
JDizzle787 wrote
at 9:59 PM, Sunday March 30, 2008 EDT
As long as people can draw anything, it appears it will be very difficult to eliminate writing. Even if we cut down on allowing printed letters, cursive is still wide open. In fact, allowing users to enforce what they deem cheating with warnings is a very, very good idea I don't think it needs to be changed at all since we are given the chance to use it to our discretion, at the same time making it possible to prevent the use of letters and numbers.

I have a feeling this will be the preliminary "PGA" question, and really, like PGA, it's inevitable. In fact, I'm sure the same shit is going to go down as with kdice, unless something is developed. However, it seems fairly difficult/ impossible to implement an "anti-word/cursive" detector within the "pad" we get to draw on (unless there is that sort of technology, I wouldn't be aware of it)

And what do you do when you play Pictionary? People take it upon themselves to decide within the game what's allowable and what's not, and rules may vary amongst others. What adds to the possibility of cheating is the anonymity, and that the fact we're hundreds or thousands of miles from each other using internet aliases, we may not give a damn if someone blatantly cheats by writing down the word (if it gives everyone an advantage, and everyone knows that it's happening, it's fine by me)

Mark my words though, I'm sure the same crap will happen with this as did PGAing, and the only way to prevent it for now is just to use the warnings. You get to decide, and it shouldn't matter what we say since it's anonymous. Until Ryan can implement a program or toll to automatically discard a sketch for breaking the rules without warnings from other players, it's up to us.
JDizzle787 wrote
at 10:01 PM, Sunday March 30, 2008 EDT
edit, "tool", not "toll". I don't want to pay for breaking the rules... unless...
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