Warnings: the benefit of the doubt
JDizzle787 wrote
at 3:01 PM, Thursday April 10, 2008 EDT
Right now, I just witnessed someone almost get warned out because he wrote "don't know" alluring to the fact he was clueless what to write. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ, LOOK AT THE LAST SENTENCE.
I know I'm forever going to be against this gung ho warn em' quick attitude because of this. People don't seem to be looking at the circumstances at place when someone uses words. It is against the rules, but I have said before, give the benefit of the doubt. Someone may say "then don't try the word! pass it up!" In my opinion, i honor someone who tries their darndest to get a picture through, a difficult concept have you, over passing what may not have even been a hard word. In that case, resorting to drawing letters is at least understandable. Some of these words are just concepts, and the sketches that would justify their definitions are too elaborate or difficult to get through. I'm going to have to eventually accept that those who draw letters or numbers are breaking the rules, but : don't be hatin' if they're having trouble. You look more like a jerk for shouting "warn, warn!!! OMG !!!1!1" in my eyes. |
Replies 1 - 2 of 2
kublai wrote
at 4:20 PM, Thursday April 10, 2008 EDT I am usually pretty quick with the warn button and I feel like I have good reason. If all of a sudden (ie cursive) the words 'don't know' appear, then I wouldn't warn. However, if letters start appearing one at a time, there is no way to know what is being spelled out until it is too late.
Death Engineer wrote
at 11:01 AM, Friday April 11, 2008 EDT If they're writing out "don't know", they probably aren't going to get it anyways... But I understand what you're saying. Some are quicker than others to warn.
I'm for a more lenient policy on letters as I think they can be used creatively without giving an unfair advantage. On the flipside, if folks do stuff like draw a bicycle and "+ er", then that's not right IMHO. PS. With wikipedia and google images, you should always be able to make some attempt at a word. |