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Career Performance


Month Rank Score Rounds Good SketchesAvg. Sketch Time Good GuessesAvg Guess. Time
June 2016 905th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
September 2012 609th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
August 2012 289th 28 2 1 (100%) 78s 0 (0%) 0s
July 2012 1,320th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
March 2012 5,657th 0 10 0 (0%) 0s 1 (8%) 51s
February 2012 485th 112 14 1 (50%) 50s 2 (6%) 52s
January 2012 518th 132 104 12 (50%) 55s 7 (3%) 51s
September 2011 1,597th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
August 2011 282nd 444 107 10 (56%) 46s 7 (3%) 34s
June 2011 202nd 508 68 5 (56%) 48s 4 (3%) 37s
March 2011 1,458th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
January 2011 357th 250 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
December 2010 1,481st 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
November 2010 331st 282 2 0 (0%) 0s 1 (17%) 85s
October 2010 132nd 1,440 144 8 (31%) 37s 12 (3%) 51s
September 2010 293rd 250 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
August 2010 540th 72 12 2 (67%) 42s 1 (4%) 73s
July 2010 1,646th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
May 2010 810th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2010 533rd 88 6 1 (100%) 80s 1 (11%) 24s
March 2010 784th 28 3 1 (100%) 21s 0 (0%) 0s
February 2010 1,305th 0 11 1 (50%) 65s 0 (0%) 0s
January 2010 1,573rd 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
December 2009 1,206th 8 33 1 (25%) 21s 0 (0%) 0s
November 2009 1,394th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
October 2009 540th 80 41 5 (45%) 46s 4 (10%) 48s
September 2009 547th 104 28 3 (60%) 45s 4 (11%) 41s
August 2009 1,249th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
July 2009 595th 180 133 14 (54%) 38s 13 (6%) 52s
June 2009 344th 840 109 11 (52%) 46s 14 (8%) 50s
May 2009 419th 392 382 31 (31%) 43s 36 (7%) 51s
April 2009 361st 598 354 33 (45%) 41s 33 (10%) 52s
March 2009 357th 472 1163 101 (37%) 41s 101 (8%) 50s
February 2009 577th 208 133 17 (57%) 42s 11 (7%) 46s
January 2009 280th 1,564 1866 190 (41%) 39s 225 (8%) 45s
December 2008 1,063rd 64 1133 76 (33%) 39s 66 (4%) 52s
November 2008 448th 666 1972 142 (39%) 39s 118 (4%) 49s
October 2008 481st 492 2474 150 (31%) 44s 137 (3%) 46s
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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