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Dude! You screwed up again! Oh wait, you're just away. +play PM325 1:46 AM, Sunday August 28, 2011 EDT
Dude! You screwed up again! Oh wait, you're just away. -play PM325 1:46 AM, Sunday August 28, 2011 EDT
Old chat ban. Here's your 15th chance : P +chat PM325 12:31 AM, Wednesday August 3, 2011 EDT
Using racial slurs, hate language in the chat box. -chat PM325 1:18 AM, Tuesday November 2, 2010 EDT
24hrs give or take 2 hrs and 3 mins. Time served, welcome back. +chat +play +post PM325 6:20 PM, Tuesday August 3, 2010 EDT
Rude comments, swearing, spamming, general agitation to other players, 24 hr ban. -chat -play -post kellykellymoore 8:23 PM, Monday August 2, 2010 EDT

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I got teary eyed reading your story. So incredibly poignant yet inspiring. We should all take a lesson from this story and hold tightly to our wallets. Money clip users.... you've already lost haven't you. For shame.
PM325 on Sunday August 1, 2010
This guy <--- What a jerk, if you ask me he shouldn't even be alive. I knew am man once, he had peanut butter in his teeth, he enjoyed eating celery, but on Tuesdays he would always have a bagel. One day this man was daring, it was not his regular Tuesday, he actually had a bagel on a Thursday. Now, because of his irrational behavior towards his normal schedule, the man suffered dearly, and his whole family had bagels, but each bagel was poisoned with turtle tears, the deadliest poison of them all. Shortly after consuming the bagels, all his family members started to grab their throats. Choking and coughing they looked at the man, and he could see the question in there eyes "Why isn't it Tuesday??". The man broke into tears as he too become a victim of the poisoned bagels. His last words, if he could have let them escape, were none other than "The Game" and he keeled over dead! The light left his eyes, and he lost, he lost everything, except his wallet. Moral of the story? Don't lose your wallet.
x114 on Sunday August 1, 2010
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary