
King of the 500s. Noob of the 2ks
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Kingofskillz wrote
at 11:47 AM, Monday December 12, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
Simmo3k defeated 4v7, 14 to 11, (1,6,3,4 to 1,2,3,2,1,1,1)
FoxT defeated 3v2, 8 to 7, (5,1,2 to 6,1)
+5 dice

Suicide fail :(

Sorry bud :/
Kingofskillz wrote
at 11:45 AM, Monday December 12, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
Simmo3k defeated 4v7, 14 to 11, (1,6,3,4 to 1,2,3,2,1,1,1)
FoxT defeated 3v2, 8 to 7, (5,1,2 to 6,1)
+5 dice

Suicide fail :(
Kingofskillz wrote
at 12:30 AM, Monday November 28, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
axlehammer defeated 4v3, 15 to 8, (4,3,2,6 to 4,1,3)
axlehammer defeated 2v4, 11 to 9, (5,6 to 1,2,5,1)
+2 dice

Suicide fail :(
Kingofskillz wrote
at 5:12 AM, Saturday November 26, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
glaz defended 4v3, 12 to 13, (4,2,4,2 to 3,5,5)
glaz defended 2v1, 3 to 5, (2,1 to 5)
Tfamilyhill defeated 2v3, 5 to 4, (3,2 to 1,1,2)
StormLord defended 2v6, 4 to 20, (3,1 to 3,4,4,2,2,5)
glaz defeated 3v5, 17 to 15, (5,6,6 to 6,3,1,3,2)
glaz defeated 2v1, 6 to 2, (3,3 to 2)
+8 dice

Before the 3v5

glaz: "fuck you green"

then the 3v5 happened when I was about to flag out for an epic connect.

o.O trololololol :]
Kingofskillz wrote
at 1:24 PM, Thursday November 24, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
Dude111 flags for 2nd
Psyhonaft defended 8v4, 20 to 21, (1,3,2,1,3,3,6,1 to 5,6,4,6)
+5 dice

same game as the one below it.
Kingofskillz wrote
at 1:19 PM, Thursday November 24, 2011 EST
Kingofskillz's turn
Krckl defended 2v3, 9 to 14, (5,4 to 6,5,3)
Krckl defended 2v3, 8 to 11, (3,5 to 3,4,4)
Psyhonaft defeated 4v2, 14 to 6, (5,5,1,3 to 5,1)
Psyhonaft defeated 3v4, 16 to 5, (6,4,6 to 2,1,1,1)
+7 dice

16 to 5. AWWW YEAH!
Kingofskillz wrote
at 1:57 AM, Wednesday November 9, 2011 EST
Marsyas's turn
Crazy Cheater defeated 8v8, 30 to 29, (3,6,1,3,5,5,6,1 to 4,5,4,3,1,4,3,5)
OperativeFlash flags for 5th
Crazy Cheater defended 7v6, 19 to 20, (2,3,3,1,3,3,4 to 2,6,3,3,3,3)
Crazy Cheater defeated 8v6, 28 to 22, (6,1,1,6,1,1,6,6 to 4,1,4,6,1,6)
Crazy Cheater defeated 7v5, 17 to 14, (2,1,6,1,1,1,5 to 2,2,4,5,1)
(-207 for 6th and -22 for dominance)
Rank: 81st Score: -229 to 3788◆.
Crazy Cheater finishes 6th in round 21
Crazy Cheater stands up
(-77 for 5th and -55 for dominance)
Rank: 105th Score: -132 to 3091◆.
OperativeFlash finishes 5th in round 21
OperativeFlash stands up
Silesia defeated 8v8, 35 to 26, (6,4,6,1,6,6,4,2 to 3,4,1,1,5,3,4,5)
Silesia defeated 8v4, 35 to 13, (5,3,4,2,6,5,4,6 to 1,5,1,6)
Silesia defeated 6v1, 29 to 6, (2,6,4,5,6,6 to 6)
(-33 for 4th and -55 for dominance)
Rank: 14th Score: -88 to 13998◆.
Silesia finishes 4th in round 21
Silesia stands up
Mercantile defeated 8v5, 27 to 11, (4,6,3,5,2,2,3,2 to 1,3,1,3,3)
Mercantile defeated 8v5, 27 to 16, (6,4,2,5,2,1,3,4 to 4,3,4,1,4)
Mercantile defeated 7v4, 31 to 14, (6,5,2,3,6,3,6 to 6,3,2,3)
Mercantile defeated 6v4, 26 to 18, (2,3,6,3,6,6 to 6,6,3,3)
Mercantile defeated 5v2, 10 to 7, (5,1,1,2,1 to 6,1)
(+10 for 3rd and -88 for dominance)
Rank: 8th Score: -78 to 16504◆.
Mercantile finishes 3rd in round 21
Mercantile stands up
Kingofskillz defended 8v8, 30 to 30, (2,5,5,6,2,6,3,1 to 3,4,6,2,5,5,3,2)
Kingofskillz defended 8v8, 23 to 25, (2,5,1,1,3,4,2,5 to 4,1,5,2,1,5,6,1)
Kingofskillz defeated 8v7, 41 to 22, (6,6,5,6,5,3,6,4 to 6,3,3,3,4,1,2)
Kingofskillz defeated 7v8, 32 to 31, (3,6,4,6,2,5,6 to 1,6,2,4,4,3,5,6)
(+140 for 2nd and -87 for dominance)
Rank: 66th Score: +53 to 4583◆.
Kingofskillz finishes 2nd in round 21
Kingofskillz stands up
(+487 for 1st and +367 for dominance)
Rank: 219th Score: +854 to 1989◆.
Marsyas finishes 1st in round 21

5 Players out in one turn. Damn. Fun game :]
Kingofskillz wrote
at 4:48 AM, Friday October 14, 2011 EDT
(+515 for 2nd and -532 for dominance)
Rank: 19th Score: -17 to 15269◆.
odoluyurt finishes 2nd in round 28
odoluyurt stands up
Kingofskillz's turn
(+1862 for 1st and +637 for dominance)
Rank: 51st Score: +2499 to 8305◆.
Kingofskillz finishes 1st in round 28

-17 for a 2nd on a 2k... OUCH!
Kingofskillz wrote
at 4:08 AM, Monday October 10, 2011 EDT
Wtf.. How did I copy all that... only meant to get the last line o.O
Kingofskillz wrote
at 4:06 AM, Monday October 10, 2011 EDT
paulinator's turn
+2 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+2 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+3 dice
aminal's turn
+9 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
aminal defeated 8v5, 23 to 18, (6,1,2,2,2,5,2,3 to 4,5,4,4,1)
Keeley defeated 7v2, 22 to 6, (5,3,3,4,1,3,3 to 2,4)
aminal defeated 6v3, 19 to 10, (2,3,5,2,6,1 to 2,2,6)
aminal defeated 5v3, 14 to 13, (3,1,4,3,3 to 5,5,3)
aminal defeated 4v3, 13 to 12, (6,1,1,5 to 3,6,3)
+13 dice
Keeley's turn
Kingofskillz defeated 8v2, 31 to 4, (6,5,1,6,1,3,4,5 to 2,2)
+3 dice
paulinator's turn
+2 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+2 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+3 dice
aminal's turn
Kingofskillz defeated 8v3, 25 to 11, (3,2,2,2,3,6,5,2 to 4,1,6)
Kingofskillz defeated 4v3, 14 to 9, (1,3,6,4 to 6,2,1)
Kingofskillz defeated 3v1, 7 to 3, (4,1,2 to 3)
Kingofskillz defeated 7v3, 20 to 11, (1,3,2,3,6,4,1 to 4,1,6)
+9 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
aminal defeated 8v3, 32 to 5, (1,5,5,2,5,6,4,4 to 2,1,2)
+9 dice
Keeley's turn
aminal defeated 7v4, 32 to 11, (6,4,3,4,5,6,4 to 6,1,1,3)
aminal defeated 6v1, 27 to 6, (6,6,4,1,6,4 to 6)
aminal defeated 5v2, 16 to 9, (6,1,1,4,4 to 5,4)
aminal defeated 4v3, 15 to 5, (1,4,5,5 to 3,1,1)
Keeley sits out
+8 dice
paulinator's turn
Keeley defeated 8v1, 36 to 6, (4,6,5,1,6,6,3,5 to 6)
Keeley sits in
+3 dice
odoluyurt's turn
paulinator defeated 8v2, 26 to 7, (2,1,2,2,4,4,6,5 to 3,4)
paulinator defeated 7v2, 21 to 7, (3,2,6,2,5,2,1 to 3,4)
+4 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+3 dice
aminal's turn
Keeley defeated 6v3, 22 to 9, (4,2,4,6,5,1 to 3,2,4)
Keeley defeated 5v1, 19 to 3, (5,4,3,2,5 to 3)
Keeley defeated 4v1, 17 to 4, (4,2,6,5 to 4)
Keeley defeated 3v2, 13 to 6, (1,6,6 to 2,4)
Dami destroyer defended 8v8, 29 to 35, (2,2,5,4,1,5,5,5 to 4,6,6,3,6,4,3,3)
+8 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+9 dice
Keeley's turn
aminal defeated 8v7, 30 to 23, (4,6,2,6,1,6,4,1 to 2,2,6,3,3,1,6)
aminal defeated 6v1, 19 to 5, (1,5,2,3,3,5 to 5)
aminal defeated 5v4, 17 to 15, (6,4,3,1,3 to 4,2,6,3)
aminal defeated 4v3, 22 to 10, (6,6,6,4 to 3,4,3)
+7 dice
paulinator's turn
odoluyurt defended 8v6, 20 to 26, (3,2,3,4,1,4,1,2 to 3,6,4,5,4,4)
(-207 for 6th and -88 for dominance)
Rank: 358th Score: -295 to 1133◆.
paulinator finishes 6th in round 11
paulinator stands up
odoluyurt's turn
neutral defeated 6v1, 24 to 4, (2,3,4,6,6,3 to 4)
+5 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
aminal defeated 8v2, 24 to 11, (6,2,2,5,4,2,1,2 to 5,6)
+4 dice
aminal's turn
Keeley defended 3v2, 6 to 7, (1,3,2 to 3,4)
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 18 to 25, (4,2,1,1,2,2,1,5 to 6,5,1,2,6,2,1,2)
(-77 for 5th and +143 for dominance)
Rank: 526th Score: +66 to 718◆.
aminal finishes 5th in round 11
aminal stands up
Kingofskillz's turn
neutral defeated 8v1, 27 to 2, (1,5,1,6,6,2,1,5 to 2)
neutral defeated 8v1, 21 to 2, (2,1,2,2,4,6,2,2 to 2)
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
+7 dice
odoluyurt's turn
odoluyurt sits out
+5 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+4 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
neutral defeated 5v3, 21 to 15, (1,6,4,4,6 to 3,6,6)
+8 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+5 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
odoluyurt sits in
+4 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
+8 dice
odoluyurt's turn
neutral defeated 8v2, 33 to 6, (2,6,5,6,3,2,4,5 to 1,5)
neutral defeated 7v1, 23 to 4, (4,2,2,6,2,3,4 to 4)
+7 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+4 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
+8 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+7 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+4 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
+8 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+7 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
Keeley defeated 8v8, 30 to 28, (2,5,2,5,6,5,1,4 to 1,6,1,5,2,6,4,3)
+5 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 26 to 35, (6,2,5,3,2,3,3,2 to 6,6,2,3,4,5,4,5)
+8 dice
odoluyurt's turn
Keeley defeated 8v6, 33 to 18, (2,5,2,4,5,5,4,6 to 4,2,2,4,2,4)
+8 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+5 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 32 to 33, (3,2,5,5,2,5,6,4 to 5,6,5,4,6,2,4,1)
+7 dice
odoluyurt's turn
Keeley defeated 8v8, 38 to 34, (5,5,2,6,5,6,6,3 to 4,6,2,1,5,5,5,6)
+9 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
+5 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 17 to 30, (1,3,1,2,3,3,3,1 to 5,1,5,2,2,5,6,4)
odoluyurt defeated 8v8, 34 to 27, (6,3,5,6,5,2,5,2 to 4,1,4,6,4,1,3,4)
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 24 to 27, (1,2,4,1,6,5,3,2 to 1,4,3,3,6,6,2,2)
odoluyurt defended 8v8, 28 to 31, (1,6,4,4,3,1,4,5 to 1,1,5,6,4,5,3,6)
+7 dice
odoluyurt's turn
Keeley defeated 8v2, 27 to 12, (3,2,4,1,5,3,4,5 to 6,6)
+9 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
odoluyurt flags for 2nd
Keeley defeated 8v8, 25 to 14, (4,2,1,4,1,3,5,5 to 1,2,2,1,3,1,1,3)
+5 dice
Kingofskillz's turn
+11 dice
Keeley's turn
+5 dice
odoluyurt's turn
+9 dice
Dami destroyer's turn
Keeley defended 8v4, 19 to 20, (1,3,3,1,1,1,3,6 to 6,3,6,5)
+5 dice

XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary