Level 34
to level 35


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Career Performance


Month Rank Score Rounds Good SketchesAvg. Sketch Time Good GuessesAvg Guess. Time
August 2020 4th 9,000 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
January 2018 11th 6,100 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
December 2016 33rd 3,268 17 4 (57%) 13s 10 (19%) 16s
October 2016 1,038th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2016 7th 5,334 98 27 (77%) 12s 63 (45%) 19s
December 2015 2,122nd 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
October 2015 0th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
September 2015 244th 300 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
August 2015 104th 1,082 4 1 (100%) 39s 3 (27%) 51s
July 2015 110th 812 11 6 (100%) 62s 4 (80%) 51s
June 2015 103rd 1,406 17 6 (100%) 53s 11 (220%) 53s
May 2015 70th 900 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2015 121st 214 26 13 (100%) 50s 13 (118%) 51s
March 2015 5th 3,260 387 176 (100%) 48s 205 (54%) 52s
February 2015 25th 1,781 244 108 (100%) 58s 134 (69%) 55s
January 2015 9th 3,254 261 106 (100%) 48s 155 (52%) 53s
December 2014 295th 24 3 1 (100%) 51s 1 (100%) 75s
November 2014 211th 120 16 7 (100%) 40s 9 (82%) 74s
October 2014 8th 6,022 461 160 (100%) 52s 299 (57%) 61s
September 2014 3rd 13,007 1231 503 (100%) 49s 718 (44%) 57s
August 2014 35th 2,708 245 94 (100%) 53s 149 (44%) 53s
July 2014 12th 8,945 758 279 (100%) 48s 475 (52%) 56s
June 2014 20th 7,726 512 187 (100%) 45s 317 (56%) 55s
May 2014 23rd 7,249 491 190 (100%) 45s 299 (58%) 50s
April 2014 162nd 308 20 6 (100%) 41s 13 (57%) 63s
March 2014 28th 3,282 279 108 (100%) 46s 166 (39%) 51s
February 2014 3rd 14,563 1676 705 (100%) 47s 966 (49%) 48s
January 2014 3rd 17,485 1424 547 (100%) 52s 862 (38%) 54s
December 2013 14th 15,722 1297 483 (100%) 49s 805 (28%) 51s
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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