Level 38
to level 39


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Career Performance


Month Rank Score Rounds Good SketchesAvg. Sketch Time Good GuessesAvg Guess. Time
March 2020 20th 4,628 82 32 (74%) 28s 39 (24%) 20s
January 2019 183rd 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
December 2018 16th 2,444 9 6 (100%) 54s 3 (13%) 21s
May 2018 15th 3,000 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2018 26th 3,300 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
March 2018 15th 4,100 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
December 2017 46th 2,500 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
November 2017 50th 3,054 36 9 (75%) 14s 24 (37%) 14s
October 2017 32nd 3,530 48 14 (63%) 19s 26 (34%) 20s
September 2017 30th 3,900 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
July 2017 17th 5,678 189 53 (75%) 15s 118 (35%) 20s
June 2017 45th 3,354 58 19 (76%) 17s 33 (34%) 20s
May 2017 60th 3,000 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2017 23rd 5,308 17 4 (66%) 10s 11 (64%) 22s
March 2017 11th 14,902 472 108 (68%) 13s 310 (30%) 25s
February 2017 5th 17,864 561 136 (67%) 13s 355 (26%) 24s
January 2017 23rd 4,806 57 17 (73%) 17s 33 (28%) 19s
December 2016 5th 8,095 93 27 (69%) 17s 54 (23%) 21s
June 2016 8th 8,000 235 59 (77%) 16s 155 (27%) 27s
May 2016 1st 9,972 415 113 (70%) 17s 251 (23%) 23s
April 2016 1st 9,612 391 89 (64%) 15s 250 (24%) 25s
March 2016 1st 15,501 553 152 (68%) 17s 328 (28%) 25s
February 2016 1st 14,370 508 116 (67%) 14s 324 (28%) 26s
January 2016 12th 8,224 334 90 (68%) 17s 198 (29%) 27s
December 2015 24th 4,810 94 20 (60%) 14s 59 (49%) 18s
November 2015 28th 3,112 3 1 (100%) 78s 1 (100%) 0s
October 2015 12th 3,472 10 4 (80%) 39s 5 (23%) 23s
September 2015 8th 4,668 72 26 (83%) 20s 42 (22%) 29s
August 2015 20th 3,468 20 10 (100%) 61s 10 (38%) 50s
July 2015 9th 4,306 72 26 (100%) 61s 43 (28%) 58s
June 2015 47th 3,058 48 16 (100%) 69s 31 (40%) 52s
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary