
One forum for all wrong-doers!
Jade Lana wrote
at 10:30 PM, Friday April 2, 2010 EDT
I think we need like one place where we can post the names of cheaters / bots / spammers, etc so we don't have so many threads going around with just one post, y'know?

I'll start. <,<



Being generally mean and guessing "a dick" over and over and over and over and freaking over again.


He's drawn dicks or bestiality and the related the last three drawings. It's getting tiring.

« First ‹ Previous Replies 601 - 610 of 610
Khallaria wrote
at 3:23 PM, Thursday January 12, 2012 EST

no real introduction needed, standard writer/drama maker when sen asked him to stop
Janine Johnson wrote
at 6:40 PM, Thursday January 12, 2012 EST
Janine Johnson guesses 1st letter of 1st word only please
assbury guesses wtf u basterds
assbury guesses u aint my dad
Janine Johnson guesses those are the rules
assbury guesses i play by my own rules I'm from da hood
Janine Johnson guesses then u will be warned
assbury guesses well ur adopted
Janine Johnson guesses lol
icantspel loses -20 for running out of time with tease.
Janine Johnson's turn to sketch. Janine Johnson adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
Your word is photosynthesis
icantspel guesses how did you not guess that
Janine Johnson loses -8 for passing on photosynthesis.
nazk7's turn to sketch. nazk7 adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
Janine Johnson guesses 1st letter of 1st word only
icantspel guesses yea there was only 3 seconds left
icantspel guesses night
icantspel guesses sky
icantspel guesses dark
icantspel guesses stars
icantspel guesses shooting star
icantspel guesses wish
Janine Johnson guesses shooting star
icantspel guesses dream
icantspel guesses space
Janine Johnson guesses stars
icantspel guesses space man
icantspel guesses astroids
nazk7 loses -20 for running out of time with space capsule.
babyemi's turn to sketch. babyemi adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
babyemi loses -8 for passing on .
assbury's turn to sketch. assbury adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
Janine Johnson guesses ohhh
icantspel guesses cliterus
nazk7 guesses nose
icantspel guesses face
assbury loses -20 for running out of time with duck hunting.
icantspel's turn to sketch. icantspel adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
assbury guesses ball sack
icantspel has been warned of breaking sketching rules. 1 more warnings will discard this sketch
assbury correctly guesses glass tear.
assbury wins 136 for guessing correctly.
icantspel wins 136 for the sketch.
icantspel has been warned of breaking sketching rules. 0 more warnings will discard this sketch
icantspel loses -16 for passing on null.
Janine Johnson's turn to sketch. Janine Johnson adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
Your word is cutting board
Janine Johnson has been warned of breaking sketching rules. 1 more warnings will discard this sketch
nazk7 guesses table
Janine Johnson has been warned of breaking sketching rules. 0 more warnings will discard this sketch
Janine Johnson loses -16 for passing on cutting board.
nazk7's turn to sketch. nazk7 adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
Janine Johnson stands up
icantspel guesses warn me again bitch
icantspel guesses wine
Caryn Murray takes a seat
icantspel guesses titties
assbury guesses 9 11
Janine Johnson takes a seat
icantspel guesses k a seat
Caryn Murray guesses skyscraper
Caryn Murray guesses thirteenth floor
assbury guesses a horny rocket
icantspel guesses Caryun Murray
icantspel guesses what kind of name is that
Caryn Murray guesses empire state
icantspel guesses go fuck yourself
Janine Johnson correctly guesses empire state building.
Janine Johnson wins 32 for guessing correctly.
karebear2322 wrote
at 4:23 AM, Saturday January 14, 2012 EST

these two were writing out answers and I think were sharing answers also. I tried to find a mod over on Gpokr or KDice but no one was online :/
senilefelines wrote
at 10:37 AM, Monday January 16, 2012 EST

This guy is harassing us again, doesn't know when to shut his mouth, calling names, making fun of draws, just rude and inconsiderate. Starts trouble every time I see him...
senilefelines wrote
at 3:10 PM, Monday January 16, 2012 EST

Jacob Feder guesses milky niplles
Wild_Moves guesses alone
Richard Leonardo guesses velociraptoreporep
Jacob Feder guesses milky nipples
Richard Leonardo stands up
senilefelines guesses you need help
Jacob Feder guesses yes'
ItsAllAboutMe guesses DEAD IN THE WATER
Jacob Feder guesses nipples?
Jacob Feder guesses nipple juice

Janine Johnson wrote
at 6:19 PM, Monday January 16, 2012 EST

this is my stalker. i'm not going thru this again!

Janine Johnson guesses what does that mean?
Markonator guesses why yu no guess
@sosickoflovingu guesses mycomputer froze
sexybum47 guesses you are fat janini panini face it
Richard Leonardo wrote
at 9:53 PM, Wednesday January 18, 2012 EST
For drawing inappropriate pictures.
senilefelines wrote
at 3:08 PM, Monday January 23, 2012 EST

Is there a way to get rid of this guy...not only for the name but for the drawings/swearing/rudeness, etc. I see that Jim did a -play on him, but it obviously didn't work.
senilefelines wrote
at 3:13 PM, Monday January 23, 2012 EST
12in Shlong guesses nigger
12in Shlong guesses nigger
VictoriaJ guesses tred
12in Shlong guesses nigger
12in Shlong guesses niggernigger
12in Shlong guesses niggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger
senilefelines guesses trek
jansen123 guesses tice
Clarinette guesses What's wrong with you guy?
jansen123 guesses tick
Clarinette guesses STICK
jansen123 guesses taxe
Clarinette guesses AXZ

jet2k5 wrote
at 4:42 PM, Thursday December 27, 2012 EST
@willone2 and @asadamcan <<<< these two need to be banned pronto
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary