
that's nice!
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Replies 1 - 6 of 6
Rogman wrote
at 1:54 PM, Monday June 28, 2010 EDT
dgs519's turn
Rogman defended 6v3, 14 to 14, (5,2,1,1,2,3 to 5,5,4)
Rogman defended 3v2, 6 to 6, (3,2,1 to 1,5)
Rogman defended 5v3, 12 to 12, (2,3,2,3,2 to 4,5,3)
+9 dice
Charlie Luciano wrote
at 2:30 AM, Tuesday March 2, 2010 EST
So..... Rumor has it that you've been sucking cock to pay rent. You could have stopped there, don't cha think???????
Mr. Bull 2 You wrote
at 11:27 AM, Monday January 4, 2010 EST
Rogman wrote
at 5:04 PM, Friday June 5, 2009 EDT
Rogman's turn
cgs defeated 4v2, 13 to 8, (6,4,1,2 to 2,6)
last throw defended 3v3, 12 to 14, (4,5,3 to 2,6,6)
Elf Master 2000? defended 3v2, 9 to 9, (3,1,5 to 5,4)
cgs defended 4v3, 9 to 15, (1,2,3,3 to 6,4,5)
hotchick defeated 2v1, 7 to 3, (4,3 to 3)
Charlie Luciano wrote
at 5:46 PM, Tuesday February 3, 2009 EST
What's up?
Charlie Luciano wrote
at 4:49 PM, Saturday January 17, 2009 EST
What's up?
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary