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lynnmay wrote
at 9:37 AM, Thursday September 1, 2011 EDT
wooooooot!!! good job!!
red nightingale wrote
at 9:46 AM, Thursday March 3, 2011 EST
You are my love!
red nightingale wrote
at 11:29 AM, Friday June 18, 2010 EDT
Damn baby! You are ON FIRE! Work must be pretty slow... Wait, you are the MASTER (with skills in multiple areas) -some still waiting to be discovered one cool night while the sheet is strewn about the bed and the ocean breeze tickles our feet...
lynnmay wrote
at 8:51 AM, Tuesday June 1, 2010 EDT
wooooooooooooooot good job!!!!!!! hugz
red nightingale wrote
at 6:43 PM, Tuesday April 20, 2010 EDT
Happy Anniversary babylove! While you are out dealing cards in real life I am celebrating TWO YEARS of loving you by playing a few hands at the DAYTONADMAN table! XOXOOXOXOOXXOXOOXOX
TLP wrote
at 10:45 PM, Monday November 30, 2009 EST
N1 day, good gain well done :)
red nightingale wrote
at 9:18 AM, Thursday October 15, 2009 EDT
Love ya baby!
lynnmay wrote
at 12:34 PM, Monday June 1, 2009 EDT
wooooot way to gooooooooooo hugzzzz
red nightingale wrote
at 5:31 PM, Monday April 20, 2009 EDT
Baby what happened? What made you so angry at gpokr? You are my mentor, my inspiration, and with your skill I know you went all-in out of spite...
OxyContin wrote
at 1:25 PM, Tuesday March 31, 2009 EDT
You were still signed in here. I should have played.
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XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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