Level 41
to level 42


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Career Performance


Month Rank Score Rounds Good SketchesAvg. Sketch Time Good GuessesAvg Guess. Time
February 2014 105th 540 44 20 (100%) 62s 23 (40%) 45s
January 2014 19th 4,871 323 151 (100%) 65s 163 (42%) 60s
December 2013 42nd 4,826 282 120 (100%) 61s 161 (65%) 51s
November 2013 26th 6,228 357 176 (100%) 66s 180 (54%) 57s
October 2013 32nd 2,080 468 94 (89%) 56s 87 (13%) 49s
September 2013 18th 2,536 682 125 (68%) 58s 119 (14%) 47s
August 2013 8th 3,840 1274 258 (70%) 55s 251 (13%) 44s
July 2013 5th 3,679 890 166 (64%) 54s 163 (11%) 47s
June 2013 24th 1,948 841 143 (57%) 54s 132 (12%) 47s
May 2013 42nd 756 586 111 (59%) 58s 90 (13%) 49s
April 2013 1,172nd 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
March 2013 33rd 1,621 881 135 (59%) 53s 107 (9%) 47s
January 2013 40th 2,136 473 88 (73%) 47s 81 (11%) 47s
December 2012 17th 3,681 1336 192 (66%) 52s 172 (10%) 44s
November 2012 301st 46 144 21 (53%) 56s 16 (23%) 52s
October 2012 128th 168 226 29 (53%) 54s 20 (14%) 59s
September 2012 57th 1,222 492 75 (57%) 50s 76 (13%) 48s
August 2012 48th 2,032 656 102 (67%) 51s 97 (13%) 49s
July 2012 159th 228 215 29 (58%) 49s 22 (11%) 44s
June 2012 125th 334 117 20 (57%) 45s 26 (16%) 56s
May 2012 116th 832 289 39 (70%) 56s 34 (9%) 42s
April 2012 157th 1,056 240 37 (80%) 48s 36 (18%) 40s
March 2012 143rd 1,804 628 69 (73%) 52s 61 (10%) 49s
February 2012 178th 666 285 23 (56%) 44s 22 (8%) 49s
January 2012 33rd 8,064 1680 189 (75%) 49s 188 (10%) 44s
December 2011 118th 1,522 822 71 (60%) 50s 55 (8%) 45s
November 2011 190th 584 405 52 (64%) 49s 43 (8%) 46s
October 2011 46th 3,693 1589 173 (59%) 49s 172 (10%) 46s
September 2011 789th 24 27 5 (56%) 60s 2 (4%) 23s
July 2011 116th 2,047 545 53 (60%) 55s 78 (15%) 47s
May 2011 27th 8,174 1634 191 (71%) 51s 204 (14%) 46s
April 2011 16th 16,660 2858 346 (78%) 50s 379 (10%) 43s
March 2011 26th 7,662 1681 166 (63%) 50s 208 (10%) 45s
February 2011 27th 12,898 2037 268 (78%) 49s 317 (10%) 41s
January 2011 143rd 1,210 189 30 (79%) 47s 40 (13%) 48s
November 2010 18th 12,056 3081 375 (73%) 51s 366 (12%) 44s
October 2010 65th 3,512 931 110 (71%) 56s 105 (11%) 43s
September 2010 26th 9,348 1765 237 (78%) 49s 262 (8%) 41s
August 2010 316th 232 86 13 (76%) 43s 10 (7%) 55s
May 2010 979th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
April 2010 16th 18,167 3794 493 (78%) 44s 522 (8%) 41s
March 2010 18th 17,362 3568 513 (83%) 47s 525 (9%) 41s
February 2010 16th 16,814 4227 599 (80%) 45s 526 (8%) 43s
January 2010 13th 21,015 6233 860 (78%) 47s 712 (6%) 44s
December 2009 28th 22,577 6703 868 (82%) 44s 493 (5%) 41s
November 2009 165th 1,976 641 107 (78%) 50s 60 (4%) 41s
September 2009 541st 110 88 11 (79%) 45s 6 (3%) 43s
August 2009 314th 870 560 86 (67%) 51s 61 (5%) 48s
July 2009 612th 172 67 6 (55%) 42s 0 (0%) 0s
June 2009 614th 212 26 4 (100%) 56s 2 (4%) 30s
April 2009 358th 604 151 16 (76%) 43s 5 (2%) 38s
September 2008 499th 488 205 35 (90%) 47s 14 (3%) 42s
August 2008 688th 272 41 3 (75%) 39s 2 (3%) 41s
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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