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Online Status: Ryan is offline since 03:02:50 Mar 09, 2025 EDT
About: I first wrote GPokr in June 06 as a test of the newly release Google Web Toolkit. It turned out the toolkit is probably the best way to write a modern web app.

In August 06 I played Dicewars and fell in love with it and like many others thought that it would be amazing multiplayer. Fortunately I had the multiplayer framework from GPokr available. By Dec 06 I had a multiplayer version of dicewars live called KDice.

Then I wrote a book on Google Web Toolkit and resumed some regular work. In March 08 I decided it was time for a new game and wrote pictionary game inpired by isketch called XSketch.

I plan to continue to improve the site adding more features and games. I have to thank all the members for contributing to this project.
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 48

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XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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