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Wurzl wrote
at 11:27 AM, Wednesday February 4, 2009 EST
Hi everybody, as a kdice player of the first hour I wish I could be here more regularly (...jobs, what good do they actually do...?), but hey, the occasional game is possible. Just one word on kdice in general and the flagging rules in particular: I think the possibility of flagging did all but improve the game. Social interaction these days seem to be restricted to calling names and writing hate posts on the review pages (...didn't respect flags...whine whine, truceing ass...sob). Games are not even properly played any more (...flag's up, don't attack me idiot...). So once and for all, my approach to the flag: If I flag 3rd, that means I am happy to finish 3rd and will, most likely, not attack any players with a significantly higher number of fields. This is NOT a guarantee, though. I simply don't see the point in handing games to anybody, just to save some meagre points for myself. Think about it, this could even be considered unfair towards other players who might want to try to get e.g. in first (thinking I might not be a cowardly point-grabber and keep the big guy busy). In other words: I like the game, and I like to play it to the end. Clicking a flag and whine is not part of it.
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