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Replies 1 - 3 of 3
Avarice wrote
at 2:49 PM, Wednesday March 7, 2012 EST
(+487 for 1st and +480 for dominance)
Rank: 110th Score: +967 to 2683◆.
Avarice finishes 1st in round 11
Avarice wrote
at 5:18 PM, Thursday September 16, 2010 EDT
Avarice's turn
1hunglowsb defeated 6v3, 14 to 6, (2,5,4,1,1,1 to 1,3,2)
PrincessTS defeated 5v6, 22 to 13, (5,6,1,4,6 to 1,1,4,4,2,1)
PrincessTS defeated 4v4, 14 to 12, (4,1,5,4 to 3,2,4,3)
PrincessTS defeated 3v3, 11 to 10, (2,4,5 to 6,3,1)
PrincessTS defeated 2v1, 6 to 1, (5,1 to 1)
(+0 for 4th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 3509th Score: +0 to 58◆.
PrincessTS finishes 4th in round 6
Avarice wrote
at 7:32 PM, Wednesday January 13, 2010 EST
Avarice's turn
iniarch defeated 2v3, 8 to 6, (6,2 to 3,1,2)
rhino5633 defeated 3v2, 16 to 12, (6,6,4 to 6,6)
rhino5633 defeated 2v1, 9 to 1, (3,6 to 1)
wearepennstate defeated 4v1, 9 to 3, (1,3,3,2 to 3)
rhino5633 defeated 3v3, 15 to 7, (3,6,6 to 5,1,1)
AChump defeated 2v1, 10 to 5, (6,4 to 5)
rhino5633 defeated 2v4, 6 to 5, (2,4 to 1,1,1,2)
+12 dice
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary