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Replies 1 - 6 of 6
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 5:17 PM, Friday October 28, 2011 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7s]
kcTbird sits out
maharaji folds
kcTbird stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 calls
pepe21 raises $19,800
pierthr folds
monica74 folds
Sugarol folds
ClemsonTigers#1 calls
Dealing flop: [Th, 7c, 3s]
Dealing turn: [8c]
pepe21 sits out
Dealing river: [9h]
pepe21 shows [6c, Qh] for a straight ten high
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [7d, 7s] for three sevens
pepe21 wins main pot $40,300
pepe21 stands up
pepe21 takes a seat
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 10:37 PM, Friday February 18, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7s, 7d]
mt pockets folds
Big Ed calls
graham cracker folds
Der dritte Mann calls
ClemsonTigers#1 raises $400
mutch007 folds
SrDave2000 folds
rev 3 calls
Tommy777 raises $22,300
Big Ed folds
Der dritte Mann folds
ClemsonTigers#1 calls
rev 3 folds
Dealing flop: [Jd, 5c, Ah]
Dealing turn: [3h]
Dealing river: [Jh]
Tommy777 shows [Th, Qh] for a flush Ace high
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [7s, 7d] for two pair, Jacks and sevens
Tommy777 wins main pot $19,950
Tommy777 wins side pot $12,925

Loving my luc right now....
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 6:03 PM, Sunday January 30, 2011 EST
8 people go all in!!

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8s, 8d]
taratata7676 raises $256
fickle calls
smked up calls
Trout calls
The Hag calls
biglad calls
podraza calls
@ZODRA79 calls
ClemsonTigers#1 raises $1,450
taratata7676 raises $1,500
fickle raises $1,919
smked up calls
Trout folds
The Hag calls
biglad raises $2,219
podraza calls
@ZODRA79 calls
smked up calls
Dealing flop: [4c, 6c, Js]
Dealing turn: [Qh]
Dealing river: [3d]
taratata7676 shows [Kh, Tc] for King high
fickle shows [Kc, Qs] for a pair of Queens
smked up shows [9d, As] for Ace high
The Hag shows [9h, 7d] for Queen high
biglad shows [5h, Ad] for Ace high
podraza shows [2h, 8h] for Queen high
@ZODRA79 shows [Kd, 7h] for King high
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [8s, 8d] for a pair of eights
fickle wins main pot $11,856
fickle wins side pot $175
fickle wins side pot $150
fickle wins side pot $1,280
fickle wins side pot $76
fickle wins side pot $1,200
smked up wins side pot $600
taratata7676 stands up
The Hag stands up
biglad stands up
podraza stands up
@ZODRA79 stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 stands up
fickle stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 2:17 PM, Sunday January 30, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9d, 9s]
bwana1964dg raises $750
ClemsonTigers#1 raises $8,975
GazzaChch takes a seat
IT5_H3M4N folds
bwana1964dg calls
Dealing flop: [9h, 7d, 2s]
Dealing turn: [2c]
bwana1964dg sits out
Dealing river: [2h]
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [9d, 9s] for a full house, nines full of twos
bwana1964dg shows [Kd, 2d] for four twos
bwana1964dg wins main pot $5,700
ClemsonTigers#1 wins side pot $6,175
bwana1964dg stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 7:21 PM, Wednesday June 3, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, Qc]
*Dont Be Mad* calls
ClemsonTigers#1 raises $5,000
bradleyj sits out
Pino Scotto raises $98,500
bradleyj stands up
sierragold folds
bighall folds
*Dont Be Mad* folds
ClemsonTigers#1 calls
Dealing flop: [6d, 6h, 8h]
Dealing turn: [3h]
Dealing river: [Td]
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [Qh, Qc] for two pair, Queens and sixs
Pino Scotto shows [Jd, Jh] for two pair, Jacks and sixs
ClemsonTigers#1 wins main pot $199,500
Pino Scotto stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 wrote
at 7:24 AM, Wednesday June 3, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [2c, 2d]
Buki folds
elgen calls
Air Force*1 raises $1,400
perchbait calls
ClemsonTigers#1 raises $13,000
elgen calls
gekk takes a seat
Air Force*1 calls
perchbait folds
Dealing flop: [2h, 2s, 6c]
elgen bets $5,800
Air Force*1 folds
Dealing turn: [6h]
Dealing river: [Ah]
Air Force*1 stands up
Air Force*1 takes a seat
ClemsonTigers#1 shows [2c, 2d] for four twos
elgen shows [6d, 9h] for a full house, sixs full of twos
ClemsonTigers#1 wins main pot $41,000
elgen wins side pot $5,800
ClemsonTigers#1 stands up
ClemsonTigers#1 takes a seat
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