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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 7:59 AM, Friday April 17, 2009 EDT by These cards suck
For playing constantly good poker on a high level and helping with in forum with good posts.

Was recommended by 3 please and I feel this contribution is well deserved.


This player has been modded by the community

Player changed mind; restore chat ability +chat misst56 11:14 AM, Wednesday October 1, 2008 EDT
This player asked to be muted. _BLizZaRd_: misst u have the ability to mute chats or? misst56: yeah _BLizZaRd_: i want to ask if u can mute mine misst56: ?...why _BLizZaRd_: well i dont wanna talkt to players calling me cheater or who insult me _BLizZaRd_: i want to focus on playing poker not talkting misst56: then just dont respond.... misst56: just tell people you want to play _BLizZaRd_: is this possible that u can help me _BLizZaRd_: well i know people who insult me every time _BLizZaRd_: like pebble or others _BLizZaRd_: i dont like this _BLizZaRd_: its my own decision and i want that everybody respect that misst56: i know...they are either jealous or just makes them feel good about themselves to demean others _BLizZaRd_: thats why i asked u misst56: but, if that is what you want me to do then I guess I can _BLizZaRd_: well cant u mute it fot 1 monht or something like that _BLizZaRd_: or more i dont mind _BLizZaRd_: i just wanna play poker here misst56: sure; but if you change your mind please let me know _BLizZaRd_: ok i will tell u then _BLizZaRd_: thx misst56: k, I will do it now and it should take effect immediately misst56: ok? _BLizZaRd_: yes -chat misst56 9:31 AM, Wednesday September 24, 2008 EDT
_BLizZaRd_ , being as you have made a public apology to Giblet and stated that you know not to do it again. +chat +post JulesDogg 8:04 AM, Sunday July 20, 2008 EDT
Fuck you Giblet you fucking noob who cant count till 3. Your such a noob...fuck your brother faggot.. Im done with this shit.. You are not a poker player basta -chat -post These cards suck 12:59 PM, Friday July 18, 2008 EDT

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