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Fritzy/sassy wrote
at 8:51 AM, Wednesday August 20, 2008 EDT
Keep up the great work and medal this month!!! Best of luck to ya hon xoxoxoxooxo
lilplumley19 wrote
at 11:14 AM, Monday July 28, 2008 EDT
hi lennie im getting better at this
annat wrote
at 12:37 PM, Wednesday July 23, 2008 EDT
Ok had to say Happy Birthday on the wall too...hehe!!! Have a great day!!!!
bartlemy wrote
at 5:42 PM, Tuesday July 22, 2008 EDT
Dealing flop: [8c, Kh, 6d]
nyfb checks
Lblack bets $2,550
nyfb folds
Dealing turn: [Kc]
Dealing river: [Kd]
Damo_w shows [4c, 3c] for three Kings
Lblack shows [Ah, Ks] for four Kings
Lblack wins main pot $5,750
Lblack wins side pot $2,550
Damo_w stands up
lollypop007 wrote
at 7:17 AM, Tuesday June 24, 2008 EDT
what up butter cup?xoxoxoxoxoxo
BiggerDave12 wrote
at 3:47 PM, Wednesday June 18, 2008 EDT
ur a top man lb see u soon
poker_queen wrote
at 3:44 PM, Thursday June 5, 2008 EDT
Thanks for your kind words. I enjoy chatting with you while we're playing. When I can afford it and when the table isn't full, I try to sit where you're playing.
annat wrote
at 2:38 PM, Wednesday June 4, 2008 EDT
LB - you are a wonderful person!!! I think that all will work out for you soon...very soon. :) I am always here for you!!!

SOOO, whenever you need me....yell!!!

See ya soon! Good luck and take care hun!
Lblack wrote
at 2:05 PM, Wednesday June 4, 2008 EDT
I like to take this time to express myself a little better. My friends, and you all know who you are; life for me has been ROUGH. I can not catch the breaks in life. Some strange things have been happenin in both the physical realm and emotional realm. PLEASE, help me that way I can always be there for you; no matter what the circumstance may be. I enjoy playin with you all every day and i hope to in the future.
Lblack wrote
at 2:05 PM, Wednesday June 4, 2008 EDT
I like to take this time to express myself a little better. My friends, and you all know who you are; life for me has been ROUGH. I can not catch the breaks in life. Some strange things have been happenin in both the physical realm and emotional realm. PLEASE, help me that way I can always be there for you; no matter what the circumstance may be. I enjoy playin with you all every day and i hope to in the future.
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary