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spanky6 wrote
at 4:54 PM, Monday February 18, 2013 EST
julito 10's turn
+16 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 30 to 21, (6,1,6,5,1,5,1,5 to 1,2,3,2,2,6,4,1)
julito 10 defeated 7v5, 23 to 16, (5,2,5,1,3,4,3 to 4,2,3,4,3)
+23 dice
julito 10's turn
neutral defeated 8v7, 26 to 25, (5,4,2,4,4,3,1,3 to 2,2,3,5,6,2,5)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 34 to 29, (5,6,4,1,6,6,4,2 to 4,6,1,1,6,6,3,2)
+16 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v3, 29 to 7, (3,5,2,4,5,2,4,4 to 4,2,1)
julito 10 defeated 8v7, 30 to 29, (3,4,2,1,6,6,2,6 to 3,5,3,5,6,6,1)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 31 to 35, (6,4,5,2,2,5,1,6 to 3,4,5,5,5,6,2,5)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 35 to 30, (5,1,5,6,6,1,6,5 to 6,6,4,4,2,3,4,1)
+15 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 25 to 26, (2,6,1,6,2,3,1,4 to 5,5,3,3,2,5,1,2)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 19 to 18, (2,2,1,2,5,2,1,4 to 2,1,1,3,3,4,3,1)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 30 to 43, (3,2,6,6,4,6,2,1 to 6,5,5,6,6,5,5,5)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 28 to 21, (5,3,4,6,1,2,3,4 to 1,6,3,2,2,2,2,3)
+15 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 27 to 32, (2,4,2,4,4,5,1,5 to 1,6,4,6,1,6,3,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 23 to 24, (3,3,5,1,4,2,2,3 to 1,5,1,3,5,2,1,6)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 29 to 36, (1,6,4,2,6,2,6,2 to 4,5,5,3,4,5,6,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 20 to 28, (5,5,2,1,3,2,1,1 to 3,2,3,1,6,3,5,5)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 29 to 21, (4,2,5,6,2,2,6,2 to 1,4,3,3,2,4,3,1)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 28 to 36, (3,3,6,1,1,4,5,5 to 5,6,6,5,5,3,4,2)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 36 to 30, (4,3,6,4,3,5,5,6 to 2,5,6,5,6,1,3,2)
spanky6 defeated 7v6, 25 to 22, (4,4,4,5,1,1,6 to 2,1,5,4,4,6)
+16 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 29, (5,4,4,6,1,1,4,1 to 4,2,4,2,5,3,4,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 18 to 25, (2,3,3,3,1,1,2,3 to 6,1,2,1,4,6,4,1)
+19 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 31 to 31, (3,6,6,6,2,3,4,1 to 4,4,4,5,2,5,4,3)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 32 to 24, (5,5,6,2,2,5,6,1 to 1,6,2,3,4,3,2,3)
+17 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 25 to 25, (3,4,5,3,4,1,3,2 to 4,2,6,2,6,1,2,2)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 30 to 31, (6,2,3,5,4,5,2,3 to 6,3,2,5,5,5,4,1)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 31 to 22, (1,4,5,6,1,5,6,3 to 2,1,3,3,4,3,4,2)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 35 to 32, (6,6,5,3,4,4,3,4 to 6,1,1,3,5,6,4,6)
+17 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 34 to 26, (3,4,2,5,2,6,6,6 to 5,6,4,2,2,3,3,1)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 17 to 29, (1,2,1,4,5,2,1,1 to 2,1,1,6,4,5,4,6)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 27 to 22, (6,4,2,4,2,2,4,3 to 6,1,1,5,1,1,4,3)
+23 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 27 to 24, (3,2,2,1,5,4,5,5 to 2,5,6,2,1,4,2,2)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 28 to 25, (5,1,2,1,5,6,5,3 to 5,5,2,3,1,2,2,5)
+17 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 25 to 37, (2,3,2,4,4,3,3,4 to 6,6,3,5,5,5,4,3)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 24 to 21, (2,1,4,4,4,3,3,3 to 5,1,2,2,3,2,1,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 28, (5,3,3,3,4,1,2,5 to 2,5,1,4,3,5,4,4)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 34 to 25, (4,4,2,6,6,1,5,6 to 4,4,3,1,2,4,1,6)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 20 to 25, (4,1,1,1,3,5,1,4 to 6,2,1,1,3,4,6,2)
+17 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 22 to 21, (5,2,3,2,1,1,4,4 to 4,1,2,2,5,1,2,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 25 to 32, (5,3,4,3,1,2,2,5 to 5,3,3,6,5,4,1,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 17 to 27, (2,1,1,3,3,3,2,2 to 2,2,6,4,4,2,1,6)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 22 to 20, (2,3,4,6,4,1,1,1 to 1,3,3,2,1,2,3,5)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 32 to 27, (3,5,2,3,6,5,4,4 to 3,1,4,5,4,3,2,5)
+18 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 31 to 30, (2,6,5,5,4,1,4,4 to 4,2,3,4,6,2,3,6)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 23 to 31, (4,2,1,1,2,3,5,5 to 3,4,3,6,5,5,3,2)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 33 to 23, (6,2,6,3,3,2,5,6 to 1,2,3,4,4,4,4,1)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 25 to 25, (2,2,6,1,1,5,5,3 to 1,4,4,2,5,3,3,3)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 31 to 25, (5,5,4,6,1,4,4,2 to 1,3,1,1,1,6,6,6)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 29 to 28, (1,4,6,4,2,5,1,6 to 6,4,1,6,2,6,2,1)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 23 to 24, (5,5,3,2,1,1,3,3 to 4,1,1,5,3,3,1,6)
+18 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 32 to 31, (3,6,5,5,1,6,2,4 to 4,6,6,2,1,2,5,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 27 to 31, (3,5,2,6,1,3,5,2 to 6,3,2,5,4,1,5,5)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 30 to 16, (4,1,3,3,5,4,5,5 to 2,1,3,5,1,2,1,1)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 21 to 28, (1,3,1,1,1,3,6,5 to 4,1,1,2,6,4,5,5)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 13 to 32, (1,1,1,2,2,3,1,2 to 5,4,1,3,4,6,4,5)
+14 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 34, (2,6,3,1,4,5,3,2 to 1,3,5,3,5,6,6,5)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 35 to 23, (5,6,5,3,6,4,4,2 to 5,2,4,4,2,3,1,2)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 32 to 31, (3,6,3,6,2,6,2,4 to 5,5,2,3,3,4,5,4)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 29 to 30, (5,6,6,3,1,2,3,3 to 6,6,1,1,4,5,1,6)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 25 to 28, (1,5,2,3,6,3,2,3 to 6,5,1,2,5,1,5,3)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 32 to 27, (5,3,5,3,5,6,2,3 to 2,1,5,1,4,4,6,4)
+13 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 31 to 30, (3,4,4,1,6,6,4,3 to 6,4,4,4,3,1,4,4)
julito 10 defended 8v7, 26 to 26, (3,5,6,1,5,1,4,1 to 4,4,2,3,3,6,4)
julito 10 defended 8v7, 25 to 26, (2,4,6,3,4,2,3,1 to 6,2,3,3,2,5,5)
julito 10 defended 8v7, 24 to 24, (3,2,1,5,1,3,5,4 to 5,3,6,4,4,1,1)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v5, 29 to 14, (2,2,6,4,3,3,4,5 to 2,2,4,4,2)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 24 to 33, (4,5,1,2,5,3,1,3 to 5,2,6,5,3,1,5,6)
+12 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v6, 22 to 22, (4,2,4,1,4,1,2,4 to 1,4,3,6,3,5)
julito 10 defeated 8v6, 32 to 16, (4,5,5,6,1,1,5,5 to 3,1,3,3,1,5)
julito 10 defended 7v6, 23 to 24, (3,1,1,5,4,5,4 to 6,2,4,5,6,1)
+21 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 29 to 26, (1,5,6,3,5,3,2,4 to 1,5,4,4,3,2,6,1)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 23 to 20, (2,6,6,3,1,2,2,1 to 3,1,5,2,2,3,2,2)
+16 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 32 to 28, (4,6,3,4,5,3,4,3 to 2,6,5,1,5,4,4,1)
julito 10 defended 7v6, 18 to 20, (3,1,1,3,2,6,2 to 2,6,1,3,4,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 29 to 31, (2,5,2,6,4,4,5,1 to 2,2,5,4,4,6,4,4)
+21 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v7, 23 to 19, (4,2,2,1,2,6,1,5 to 2,2,2,5,6,1,1)
+16 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 36 to 24, (6,6,5,2,6,2,3,6 to 1,3,5,2,4,4,2,3)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 18 to 34, (2,1,2,1,4,2,2,4 to 6,6,4,5,2,4,5,2)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 21 to 26, (3,2,6,3,1,4,1,1 to 2,2,4,4,4,3,4,3)
+22 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 36 to 22, (5,2,4,6,6,3,4,6 to 1,4,2,1,5,1,5,3)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 23 to 32, (3,4,3,3,1,3,1,5 to 5,6,5,4,2,5,1,4)
+14 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 28 to 33, (4,5,3,2,6,2,5,1 to 5,6,1,3,3,5,5,5)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 32 to 27, (4,3,3,6,6,2,6,2 to 4,6,1,3,2,3,4,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 32, (5,3,1,4,2,3,2,6 to 4,2,4,6,6,5,4,1)
+23 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 22 to 27, (1,3,6,3,1,1,3,4 to 3,3,4,5,5,1,5,1)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 26 to 21, (6,1,4,3,2,5,4,1 to 4,4,2,1,1,6,1,2)
+14 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 37, (6,4,2,5,1,1,5,2 to 5,5,4,3,5,3,6,6)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 28 to 26, (1,4,3,4,5,2,4,5 to 5,4,1,2,5,2,4,3)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 30 to 36, (1,5,4,3,3,4,4,6 to 5,5,2,5,3,6,4,6)
+23 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 26 to 30, (1,5,4,6,5,3,1,1 to 1,4,6,6,3,1,5,4)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 19 to 34, (1,3,1,4,3,4,1,2 to 4,4,5,4,6,3,5,3)
+13 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 22 to 22, (3,4,2,3,1,5,1,3 to 2,3,3,4,2,1,4,3)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 30 to 27, (6,2,3,5,1,3,5,5 to 4,4,6,4,4,2,1,2)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 32 to 24, (6,3,1,5,6,4,3,4 to 4,1,3,4,2,1,4,5)
+25 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 28 to 19, (6,6,6,1,2,3,3,1 to 2,3,2,3,1,1,5,2)
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 28 to 21, (6,1,3,5,2,3,2,6 to 2,2,2,4,1,5,3,2)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 22 to 32, (5,3,6,1,3,2,1,1 to 4,1,1,6,5,5,5,5)
+13 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defeated 8v4, 27 to 10, (2,1,4,6,3,1,5,5 to 2,1,3,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 26 to 44, (1,1,4,4,5,2,6,3 to 5,6,6,6,4,6,6,5)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 22 to 26, (4,2,5,3,2,4,1,1 to 4,1,5,1,3,1,5,6)
+24 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 33 to 28, (5,6,1,3,5,4,5,4 to 3,4,4,2,5,2,3,5)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 24 to 25, (1,4,2,6,6,2,2,1 to 4,2,1,5,1,2,6,4)
+12 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v5, 18 to 18, (1,5,1,3,1,3,1,3 to 3,3,6,4,2)
julito 10 defeated 8v5, 25 to 17, (4,5,1,1,3,1,4,6 to 5,3,3,5,1)
julito 10 defeated 8v5, 26 to 16, (4,2,1,5,6,2,2,4 to 4,1,4,1,6)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 31 to 34, (5,5,3,2,3,5,4,4 to 6,3,6,3,6,5,4,1)
+25 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 19 to 28, (3,2,1,1,4,3,1,4 to 1,3,2,6,2,6,4,4)
+11 dice
spanky6's turn
julito 10 defended 8v8, 28 to 28, (4,2,6,4,2,4,3,3 to 4,5,1,3,5,4,3,3)
julito 10 defeated 8v8, 36 to 33, (4,6,6,4,1,5,6,4 to 5,3,4,6,4,1,6,4)
julito 10 defended 8v8, 24 to 33, (3,2,5,3,3,1,5,2 to 2,1,5,6,3,6,6,4)
+26 dice
julito 10's turn
spanky6 defended 8v8, 20 to 20, (2,3,1,3,1,3,6,1 to 3,3,2,2,1,3,2,4)
spanky6 defended 8v8, 26 to 32, (4,4,1,4,5,1,6,1 to 6,5,1,2,2,6,4,6)
+5 dice
spanky6's turn
spanky6 wrote
at 9:56 AM, Wednesday November 28, 2012 EST
GOOD story :)

pdmt's turn
spanky6 defended 8v6, 21 to 24, (4,1,2,3,3,4,1,3 to 1,3,5,6,5,4)
(-77 for 5th and -84 for dominance)
Rank: 307th Score: -161 to 3266.
pdmt finishes 5th in round 10
pdmt stands up
spanky6's turn
neutral defeated 7v1, 26 to 2, (4,3,5,6,5,1,2 to 2)
+4 dice
zonthek's turn
+10 dice
franek's turn
zonthek defeated 8v8, 26 to 19, (1,2,6,1,6,3,6,1 to 1,3,3,3,1,3,4,1)
+12 dice
saaas's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v6, 24 to 15, (6,3,1,3,3,6,1,1 to 4,1,4,1,4,1)
spanky6 defeated 8v5, 33 to 19, (3,5,3,4,4,3,6,5 to 5,5,4,4,1)
+13 dice
spanky6's turn
saaas defeated 7v8, 34 to 25, (3,3,5,6,5,6,6 to 1,2,3,6,1,5,6,1)
saaas defeated 6v7, 26 to 24, (5,4,6,3,5,3 to 5,5,3,3,3,3,2)
(-33 for 4th and -84 for dominance)
Rank: 243rd Score: -117 to 4140.
spanky6 finishes 4th in round 11
spanky6 stands up
spanky6 wrote
at 6:12 PM, Sunday May 27, 2012 EDT
Simon Gebrehiwet's turn
spanky6 defeated 8v8, 31 to 21, (3,6,2,2,4,4,6,4 to 1,1,4,1,1,2,5,6)
spanky6 defeated 7v5, 34 to 23, (4,6,6,5,5,6,2 to 5,4,3,6,5)
spanky6 defeated 6v8, 25 to 15, (3,3,5,5,3,6 to 1,1,3,3,3,1,2,1)
spanky6 defeated 5v2, 23 to 3, (3,5,6,5,4 to 1,2)
spanky6 defeated 4v2, 12 to 5, (6,1,2,3 to 3,2)
+6 dice
spanky6 wrote
at 4:47 PM, Thursday May 24, 2012 EDT

(+487 for 1st and +425 for dominance)
Rank: 149th Score: +912 to 5561◆.
spanky6 finishes 1st in round 20
spanky6 wrote
at 6:25 PM, Tuesday April 24, 2012 EDT

spanky6's turn
spiritshaper sits in
popnorg defended 4v2, 11 to 12, (3,4,1,3 to 6,6)
popnorg defended 4v2, 6 to 9, (1,1,3,1 to 6,3)
(-82 for 6th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 974th Score: -82 to 864◆.
spanky6 finishes 6th in round 1
spanky6 wrote
at 9:14 AM, Sunday February 12, 2012 EST

(-77 for 5th and +78 for dominance)
Rank: 49th Score: +1 to 7735◆.
spanky6 finishes 5th in round 47
spanky6 wrote
at 9:14 AM, Sunday February 12, 2012 EST
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
Mr black flags for 5th
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
Wygrywacz sits out
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
Wygrywacz sits in
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
the die sits out
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
the die sits in
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
+4 dice
Mr black's turn
Wygrywacz defended 8v8, 29 to 36, (2,3,3,4,5,4,5,3 to 5,6,5,5,5,2,6,2)
Wygrywacz defended 8v8, 24 to 35, (5,1,2,1,2,5,6,2 to 5,6,4,3,6,6,1,4)
Wygrywacz defended 8v8, 27 to 30, (2,1,5,5,4,2,4,4 to 2,3,5,6,3,1,6,4)
+3 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
+8 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
Mr black defended 8v8, 28 to 29, (4,5,1,6,2,4,4,2 to 2,4,2,6,4,3,3,5)
Mr black defeated 8v8, 31 to 27, (6,5,6,2,3,2,6,1 to 2,4,4,2,2,3,6,4)
+5 dice
Mr black's turn
Wygrywacz defeated 8v8, 29 to 28, (2,4,1,6,3,6,3,4 to 6,5,1,2,2,5,3,4)
Wygrywacz defeated 8v8, 33 to 21, (6,6,3,4,6,3,1,4 to 1,4,2,1,6,1,5,1)
+4 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
+3 dice
the die's turn
+8 dice
mk72's turn
Mr black defended 8v8, 23 to 24, (1,4,1,3,6,5,2,1 to 2,2,1,2,3,6,4,4)
Mr black defeated 8v8, 33 to 24, (3,5,2,6,5,2,6,4 to 3,4,4,5,1,1,5,1)
+9 dice
Wygrywacz's turn
Mr black defended 8v8, 20 to 21, (6,2,2,2,1,2,2,3 to 2,2,3,3,3,2,5,1)
Mr black defeated 8v8, 22 to 21, (2,3,4,2,5,2,3,1 to 2,6,3,1,1,2,2,4)
+2 dice
Mr black's turn
+2 dice
tryin''s turn
+4 dice
spanky6's turn
(-207 for 6th and -45 for dominance)
Rank: 572nd Score: -252 to 785◆.
Mr black finishes 6th in round 47
Mr black stands up
(-77 for 5th and +78 for dominance)
Rank: 49th Score: +1 to 7735◆.
spanky6 finishes 5th in round 47
spanky6 wrote
at 1:31 PM, Saturday February 11, 2012 EST
spanky6's turn
greekboi defended 7v3, 11 to 13, (2,1,1,1,3,2,1 to 6,3,4)
entalltaeglicher defeated 6v4, 18 to 13, (4,5,4,3,1,1 to 2,6,1,4)
greekboi defended 5v3, 11 to 12, (2,3,1,4,1 to 6,3,3)
+7 dice
spanky6 wrote
at 1:56 PM, Monday December 26, 2011 EST
look at this!!

OneShot7's turn
vollken defended 3v3, 10 to 13, (6,2,2 to 5,3,5)
spanky6 defeated 8v6, 31 to 22, (3,3,5,4,3,3,4,6 to 3,6,1,6,3,3)
vollken defended 7v3, 11 to 11, (1,1,2,2,3,1,1 to 4,3,4)
vollken defended 2v3, 10 to 14, (5,5 to 6,2,6)
vollken defeated 2v3, 10 to 5, (6,4 to 1,2,2)
+8 dice
spanky6 wrote
at 8:39 PM, Sunday January 30, 2011 EST
spanky6's turn
arobi defended 3v2, 9 to 10, (1,3,5 to 4,6)
arobi defeated 4v3, 13 to 7, (3,3,2,5 to 4,2,1)
arobi defeated 3v4, 11 to 10, (5,5,1 to 1,3,2,4)
arobi defended 2v4, 10 to 11, (5,5 to 2,5,2,2)

almost did ot in the last one :P
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