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kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:14 PM, Friday November 8, 2013 EST
Was thinking about you tonight. Been talking to our star again, neighbors think I'm nuts. My dad passed away this week. He really liked you and how happy you made me. He used to ask me when I was moving to India. I told him India was coming to me. Miss you like crazy, P. xox
zainab wrote
at 4:52 AM, Saturday November 24, 2012 EST
uh I miss you :'(
kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:10 AM, Tuesday February 1, 2011 EST
Miss you like crazy, babydoll! ...shmu
zainab wrote
at 9:01 AM, Sunday March 21, 2010 EDT
<3 <3 <3
TheCinders wrote
at 5:16 AM, Sunday January 17, 2010 EST
Miss you xyeo. *pukes on your wall* <3
Marice wrote
at 2:28 AM, Monday May 25, 2009 EDT
Love you. Miss you.
TheCinders wrote
at 6:08 PM, Sunday May 24, 2009 EDT
TheCinders wrote
at 6:08 PM, Sunday May 24, 2009 EDT
&#9829;Xman... :`(
Marice wrote
at 10:49 PM, Saturday April 18, 2009 EDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I've already given you a cyber ferrari and a private jet. But here's another hug (hug)!
kellykellymoore wrote
at 10:29 PM, Saturday April 18, 2009 EDT
There will be no puking on this birthday!
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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