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PM325 wrote
at 11:03 PM, Thursday September 30, 2010 EDT
Purple! Another 3rd place to add to the many many many many many you have so far (thats as many manys as there are 3rds.) You must have worked so hard : P Come be sneaky some time ; )
MrsBrightside wrote
at 10:21 AM, Sunday September 26, 2010 EDT
Pc where areeee youuu :(
senilefelines wrote
at 2:13 PM, Thursday September 23, 2010 EDT
peeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))
boobear2009 wrote
at 11:27 AM, Thursday September 23, 2010 EDT
Miss pc.... I came in and was told you and tay had just left.. If im not on when you get back I just wanted to say hello!! And that I miss you tons!!!. I havent been on in forever work is really busy right now and i just havent had the time!!. I Hope to hear from you soon!!! Luv Ya!
Rudey wrote
at 12:34 PM, Wednesday September 15, 2010 EDT
hi pc.

i really think u shouldnt change the original of the purple chick.

xoxo rudey :D
Chris333 wrote
at 2:39 AM, Tuesday September 14, 2010 EDT
Aw noes! My bad! The review is lovely though :)
thebeatsurrender wrote
at 7:31 PM, Monday September 13, 2010 EDT
Oh, Shackleton is my cat, btw.
thebeatsurrender wrote
at 7:25 PM, Monday September 13, 2010 EDT
PC, i need child rearing advice, and your the best mom i know. Help! My Shackleton is being very bad lately. he's breaking out of the window and sneaking into the neighbor's apartment (where they smoke pot!!), and he peed on my bf's jacket yesterday instead of in the potty. He's 1 years old and reaching that rebellious stage. What should I do??
senilefelines wrote
at 9:43 AM, Monday September 13, 2010 EDT
Oh noooooooo that's horrible....I saw that he moved up in rankings and was like :-o
Durfster wrote
at 6:48 PM, Wednesday September 8, 2010 EDT
Ahhhhhhhhhh! I'm spamming your wall. Sorry I kept writing Jerkface. For some reason everytime I tried to write it on "Dirty Laundry's" wall, it redirected me here. I love you though and you're NOT a jerkface! :)
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