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Nadira wrote
at 10:25 AM, Saturday January 1, 2011 EST
PC U PURPLE BALL OF FUN =)congratz on ur medal <3
TayBren13 wrote
at 11:39 PM, Thursday December 30, 2010 EST
Ok, this time I won&#8217;t embarrass you with some silly post. Just wanted to wish you a Very Happy New Year! Thanks for all the games this year (Hopefully a lot more next year) <3
MrsBrightside wrote
at 7:18 PM, Sunday December 26, 2010 EST
(TAKE 2!) - This time on YOUR profile!!!

PC!!! Those few moments were the highlight of my christmas! (Isn't it sad how I began to despise the holidays purely because it took away my sketch friends?) If only my real friends knew....I'd be locked up! Why can't I lived nearer....

I think....I think I'm feeling a my fair lady moment coming on....


Hurry back <3
bhwrice wrote
at 2:29 PM, Saturday December 25, 2010 EST
merry xmas :) come back soon!
Gurgi wrote
at 9:51 PM, Friday December 24, 2010 EST
Merry xmas wifey
RoaringLamb wrote
at 8:25 PM, Thursday December 23, 2010 EST
Thanks Purp :) It's always a pleasure to play here with all of you <3
PM325 wrote
at 12:10 PM, Thursday December 23, 2010 EST
Hey Purpy, you have a merry Christmas too! I'll eat everything I can for you, except what's on the ban list. Enjoy the time with your "real" family : P I know you will.
Wurlyearly wrote
at 7:25 PM, Wednesday December 22, 2010 EST
Have a great christmas purply :)

Be careful when you open up any really thin presents... You wouldn't want to accidentally rip my adoption papers :p
MrsBrightside wrote
at 1:55 PM, Wednesday December 22, 2010 EST
Ok, I can't do it.
I tried.
I failed.
One mention of your name and I cracked!
This song also coincidently was playing on my itunes at the time :(

bhwrice wrote
at 4:35 PM, Tuesday December 21, 2010 EST
Merry Christmas PC! Don't let the in laws keep you away too long =p
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary