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TayBren13 wrote
at 11:08 PM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST
Nice of Brighty to write a novel on your wall :P
senilefelines wrote
at 11:39 AM, Friday November 19, 2010 EST
Oh god I know, I'm so sorry....today has been just absolutely horrible....without making the story long, had a jerk in my office and he made me cry and I had to call the Cops on him, so yeah...I'm sorry, I'll be around this afternoon. :)
MrsBrightside wrote
at 6:16 AM, Wednesday November 17, 2010 EST
PC!! hahaha oh god, that shall forever be remembered as my "episode". I just about managed to escape the white jacket peoples....
Remind me NEVER to not sleep again! hahaha
I'm in uni at the moment, being stared at by some uppity computer master woman. Maybe it's because I am currently nibbling on a kitkat and rustling my wrappers, which of course reminded me of rustling feathers....you see my train of thought :3 I think the meaning of this post was not to tangent but to say hello :) (and no i have not been to the s.u this morning!)
senilefelines wrote
at 6:54 PM, Sunday November 14, 2010 EST
peeeceeee!!!!! It's Sunday night, I'm bored, noobs are playing, guess I'll go sit with my son and watch Thomas the Train for the 237th time :)
TayBren13 wrote
at 11:08 PM, Friday November 12, 2010 EST
no namer wrote
at 11:30 PM, Friday November 5, 2010 EDT
You know, I've been thinking about it...jk How have you been purpy? I miss you my xsketch mommy. <33
senilefelines wrote
at 7:30 AM, Monday November 1, 2010 EDT
Damn....sorry to see you made it to 7th place...maybe next time you'll do worse :P -aka- Congrats!!!!
Gurgi wrote
at 10:00 PM, Sunday October 31, 2010 EDT
grats on the blue wifey
TayBren13 wrote
at 7:22 PM, Sunday October 31, 2010 EDT
Better be around more next month Chicky Chick ;)
disco2000 wrote
at 7:39 PM, Tuesday October 26, 2010 EDT
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary