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Replies 1 - 9 of 9
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 12:03 AM, Saturday May 23, 2009 EDT
Zero G Willis folds
vague1 folds
spender folds
old grey hair raises $2,400
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
$uG@rB@bY calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 2h, Qd]
old grey hair bets $1,800
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
$uG@rB@bY raises $3,600
old grey hair calls
LiTTLe RoSeBuD folds
Dealing turn: [5d]
old grey hair checks
$uG@rB@bY checks
Dealing river: [6c]
old grey hair bets $1,000
$uG@rB@bY raises $3,000
old grey hair calls
$uG@rB@bY shows [Ac, Qh] for two pair, Queens and twos
old grey hair shows [Ts, Td] for two pair, tens and twos
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $22,900
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 11:57 PM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jd, 3d]
$uG@rB@bY calls
Zero G Willis checks
prize fighter calls
spender calls
old grey hair calls
LiTTLe RoSeBuD checks
Dealing flop: [3s, Ad, Jc]
old grey hair bets $1,200
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
$uG@rB@bY calls
Zero G Willis folds
prize fighter calls
spender calls
Dealing turn: [3c]
old grey hair checks
LiTTLe RoSeBuD checks
$uG@rB@bY bets $1,400
prize fighter calls
spender folds
old grey hair calls
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
Dealing river: [Th]
old grey hair checks
LiTTLe RoSeBuD checks
$uG@rB@bY bets $1,000
prize fighter folds
old grey hair calls
LiTTLe RoSeBuD folds
$uG@rB@bY shows [Jd, 3d] for a full house, threes full of Jacks
old grey hair shows [Ac, 4d] for two pair, Aces and threes
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $14,800
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 11:56 PM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, Qh]
LiTTLe RoSeBuD raises $1,400
$uG@rB@bY calls
Zero G Willis folds
vague1 folds
spender folds
old grey hair raises $2,400
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
$uG@rB@bY calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 2h, Qd]
old grey hair bets $1,800
LiTTLe RoSeBuD calls
$uG@rB@bY raises $3,600
old grey hair calls
LiTTLe RoSeBuD folds
Dealing turn: [5d]
old grey hair checks
$uG@rB@bY checks
Dealing river: [6c]
old grey hair bets $1,000
$uG@rB@bY raises $3,000
old grey hair calls
$uG@rB@bY shows [Ac, Qh] for two pair, Queens and twos
old grey hair shows [Ts, Td] for two pair, tens and twos
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $22,900
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 11:50 PM, Thursday May 21, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ks, Kd]
conorkelly calls
boosh calls
caster folds
jrwilliams folds
bboy spyke raises $19,000
$uG@rB@bY calls
conorkelly folds
boosh folds
boosh stands up
Dealing flop: [Qc, Jc, 2d]
Dealing turn: [Jd]
Dealing river: [5s]
bboy spyke shows [7h, 6c] for a pair of Jacks
$uG@rB@bY shows [Ks, Kd] for two pair, Kings and Jacks
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $38,400
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 10:31 PM, Thursday May 21, 2009 EDT
mattz1 raises $4,975
$uG@rB@bY calls
Antedeguemon calls
Matilda calls
Jo-Jo folds
Aunty Em calls
Dealing flop: [2h, 9c, 7c]
Dealing turn: [5d]
Dealing river: [2s]
Antedeguemon shows [Ah, 8h] for a pair of twos
Matilda shows [7d, 6s] for two pair, sevens and twos
Aunty Em shows [Qd, Jd] for a pair of twos
mattz1 shows [Ts, Kc] for a pair of twos
$uG@rB@bY shows [Ac, As] for two pair, Aces and twos
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $24,092
$uG@rB@bY wins side pot $472
$uG@rB@bY wins side pot $375
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 10:22 PM, Thursday May 21, 2009 EDT
Dealing turn: [9s]
Dealing river: [Qd]
Aunty Em shows [Js, 7s] for Queen high
$uG@rB@bY shows [As, Ad] for a pair of Aces
AKAKAKA shows [6c, 7h] for Queen high
$uG@rB@bY wins main pot $10,350
$uG@rB@bY wins side pot $3,200
at 8:51 PM, Sunday May 17, 2009 EDT
u can get me on this
[email protected]
at 5:53 PM, Sunday May 17, 2009 EDT
Thanks for the post babe, hope to see u on here soon & do some tilting together. LOL
$uG@rB@bY wrote
at 7:03 PM, Friday May 1, 2009 EDT
is awesome
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