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Replies 1 - 9 of 9
cisse98 wrote
at 10:32 AM, Tuesday July 12, 2011 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, 4c]
Amadeus71 calls
honey39 calls
ccsis folds
mt pockets raises $100
cisse98 raises $375
PutterJim folds
Amadeus71 folds
honey39 sits out
honey39 folds
honey39 sits in
mt pockets calls
Dealing flop: [3c, Tc, 9c]
cisse98 checks
mt pockets bets $500
cisse98 raises $900
mt pockets calls
Dealing turn: [Jc]
Dealing river: [Ks]
mt pockets shows [8c, Qc] for a straight flush Queen high
cisse98 shows [Ac, 4c] for a flush Ace high
mt pockets wins main pot $2,750
cisse98 stands up
cisse98 wrote
at 7:57 PM, Thursday May 12, 2011 EDT

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6d, 5d]
tweek303 folds
cisse98 calls
loshgze calls
No Luck Kiwi calls
Rick W. calls
Mike_X calls
msufan1313 checks
Dealing flop: [7d, 7h, 8d]
Mike_X checks
msufan1313 checks
cisse98 bets $2,000
loshgze calls
No Luck Kiwi calls
Rick W. folds
Mike_X folds
msufan1313 folds
Dealing turn: [4d]
cisse98 checks
loshgze bets $1,000
No Luck Kiwi calls
cisse98 raises $2,000
loshgze raises $2,000
No Luck Kiwi folds
cisse98 raises $12,000
loshgze raises $32,000
cisse98 calls
Dealing river: [Ks]
cisse98 bets $34,000
loshgze raises $54,396
cisse98 calls
cisse98 shows [6d, 5d] for a straight flush eight high
loshgze shows [7c, 7s] for four sevens
cisse98 wins main pot $191,792
loshgze stands up
cisse98 wrote
at 7:26 PM, Wednesday May 11, 2011 EDT
Delboy71 finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $39,000

cisse98 finishes the tournament 1st and wins $64,000
cisse98 wrote
at 12:14 PM, Friday April 16, 2010 EDT
cisse98 finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $40,950
cisse98 wrote
at 9:16 PM, Friday November 13, 2009 EST
cisse98 finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
cisse98 wrote
at 7:21 PM, Tuesday October 13, 2009 EDT
tuesday 10 k :
cisse98 finishes the tournament 4th and wins $61 600
cisse98 wrote
at 7:20 PM, Tuesday October 13, 2009 EDT
2500 daily :
cisse98 finishes the tournament 6th and wins $16,200
cisse98 wrote
at 12:29 PM, Saturday July 5, 2008 EDT
Salut a tous !
Rony1974 wrote
at 12:39 PM, Monday June 23, 2008 EDT
regarde un peu je te rattrapper ce soir
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary