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Punk In Drublic

EVIL will always triumph, because GOOD is DUMB!
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kellykellymoore wrote
at 1:42 AM, Wednesday January 4, 2012 EST
Sorry. Sometimes even family get carried away. Hugs.
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 12:27 AM, Sunday December 25, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, 7d]
AzHousePro folds
cardinal calls
Punk In Drublic calls
kraftie raises $33,643
noirjk folds
cardinal folds
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing flop: [5c, Qd, 3c]
Dealing turn: [6s]
Dealing river: [Td]
Punk In Drublic shows [Kd, 7d] for King high
kraftie shows [Ah, 4c] for Ace high
kraftie wins main pot $67,886
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [3c, 3s]
AzHousePro calls
cardinal calls
Punk In Drublic raises $22,724
kraftie folds
kraftie stands up
kraftie takes a seat
noirjk folds
AzHousePro calls
cardinal calls
Dealing flop: [6d, Td, 4c]
Dealing turn: [5c]
Dealing river: [7c]
pokerman4u takes a seat
cardinal shows [Jh, Qd] for Queen high
Punk In Drublic shows [3c, 3s] for a straight seven high
AzHousePro shows [Kh, Ah] for Ace high
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $59,400
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $6,048
cardinal stands up
cardinal takes a seat
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 9:18 PM, Wednesday December 21, 2011 EST
tarting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6c, As]
kylady folds
BOBO2121 folds
Capo_di_capo raises $19,800
Punk In Drublic calls
unhlyangl takes a seat
Tante An folds
mark333 folds
Schoff folds
Dealing flop: [4h, Kd, Ad]
Dealing turn: [Ts]
Dealing river: [4d]
Punk In Drublic shows [6c, As] for two pair, Aces and fours
Capo_di_capo shows [2h, Th] for two pair, tens and fours
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $27,370
Capo_di_capo wins side pot $6,465
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 9:17 PM, Wednesday December 21, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8s, 8d]
Capo_di_capo raises $6,965
Punk In Drublic raises $27,370
Tante An folds
unhlyangl folds
mark333 folds
Schoff folds
kylady folds
BOBO2121 folds
Dealing flop: [3c, 3d, 8h]
Dealing turn: [Qc]
Dealing river: [2d]
Punk In Drublic shows [8s, 8d] for a full house, eights full of threes
Capo_di_capo shows [As, 4s] for a pair of threes
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $14,230
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $20,405
Capo_di_capo stands up
dubwash takes a seat
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7h]
Capo_di_capo takes a seat
Punk In Drublic raises $1,400
Tante An folds
unhlyangl folds
mark333 folds
Schoff calls
kylady folds
BOBO2121 folds
dubwash folds
Dealing flop: [6d, Tc, 4h]
Punk In Drublic bets $2,800
Schoff folds
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $5,900
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, Ks]
Punk In Drublic calls
Tante An calls
unhlyangl calls
mark333 calls
Schoff calls
kylady calls
BOBO2121 calls
dubwash calls
Capo_di_capo raises $19,800
Punk In Drublic raises $36,135
Tante An folds
unhlyangl folds
mark333 calls
Schoff folds
kylady calls
BOBO2121 folds
dubwash folds
Dealing flop: [Qc, Qh, 9s]
Dealing turn: [9d]
Dealing river: [8h]
Punk In Drublic shows [Kh, Ks] for two pair, Kings and Queens
mark333 shows [Jd, Js] for two pair, Queens and Jacks
kylady shows [7d, 7s] for two pair, Queens and nines
Capo_di_capo shows [4h, 5s] for two pair, Queens and nines
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $66,200
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $11,100
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $8,600
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $12,035
mark333 stands up
kylady stands up
Capo_di_capo stands up
Capo_di_capo takes a seat
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ah, 3s]
unhlyangl folds
Capo_di_capo raises $19,800
Schoff folds
BOBO2121 sits out
BOBO2121 folds
BOBO2121 stands up
dubwash folds
Punk In Drublic calls
Tante An folds
Dealing flop: [Js, 5d, 4h]
Dealing turn: [Ad]
Dealing river: [2h]
Punk In Drublic shows [Ah, 3s] for a straight five high
Capo_di_capo shows [Qh, 9s] for Ace high
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $40,200
Capo_di_capo stands up
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 11:12 PM, Wednesday December 7, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [2c, 2d]
Rogo folds
bigbooger checks
Punk In Drublic calls
kraftie folds
seekhunt folds
bigbooger sits out
Pontus Thor takes a seat
ChickADee raises $1,000
skydog1 raises $1,925
andy keys folds
bigbooger stands up
Punk In Drublic calls
ChickADee raises $2,992
skydog1 raises $2,567
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing flop: [Tc, 5d, 6d]
Dealing turn: [3h]
Dealing river: [4h]
yogi10107 takes a seat
Punk In Drublic shows [2c, 2d] for a straight six high
ChickADee shows [Ac, Ah] for a pair of Aces
skydog1 shows [As, Ad] for a pair of Aces
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $12,026
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $1,050
ChickADee stands up
skydog1 stands up
kellykellymoore wrote
at 8:26 PM, Wednesday December 7, 2011 EST
Punk In Drublic: its just....i havent seen that happen....
Punk In Drublic: multiple....things...
kellykellymoore: sorry to hear that sweetie. Perhaps some type of...therapy?
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 7:19 PM, Monday November 28, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6d, Qd]
hobocaviar calls
dpfaust calls
Susan O'Dowd calls
Tristo calls
Ibekillinem calls
Bryan Bragg calls
Punk In Drublic calls
Eddie Rubalcaba sits out
Eddie Rubalcaba folds
sinbad 7 checks
Dealing flop: [2h, Qs, 4c]
sinbad 7 bets $50
hobocaviar calls
dpfaust calls
Susan O'Dowd calls
Ibekillinem folds
Bryan Bragg calls
Eddie Rubalcaba stands up
Punk In Drublic raises $600
sinbad 7 calls
hobocaviar calls
broach maker takes a seat
dpfaust calls
Susan O'Dowd folds
Bryan Bragg folds
Dealing turn: [Qh]
sinbad 7 bets $3,820
hobocaviar folds
dpfaust calls
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing river: [Qc]
Tristo shows [6c, 3c] for three Queens
Punk In Drublic shows [6d, Qd] for four Queens
sinbad 7 shows [2s, 2c] for a full house, Queens full of twos
dpfaust shows [7c, 7d] for a full house, Queens full of sevens
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $425
Punk In Drublic wins side pot $12,985
dpfaust wins side pot $650
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 10:40 PM, Saturday November 19, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Js, Kd]
sinker folds
bigbooger calls
LedZep sits out
bev3002 calls
Sol Goodman calls
LedZep stands up
the busta' raises $200
Punk In Drublic raises $600
carolinagirl takes a seat
Alex48 folds
bigbooger calls
Sol Goodman sits out
bev3002 calls
Sol Goodman stands up
the busta' calls
Dealing flop: [Kc, Ks, 9s]
Punk In Drublic checks
bigbooger checks
bev3002 checks
the busta' checks
Dealing turn: [Kh]
Punk In Drublic checks
bigbooger checks
bev3002 checks
the busta' checks
Dealing river: [4h]
Punk In Drublic bets $250
bigbooger calls
bev3002 calls
the busta' folds
bigbooger shows [6c, 6s] for a full house, Kings full of sixs
bev3002 shows [Qc, 8d] for three Kings
Punk In Drublic shows [Js, Kd] for four Kings
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $3,300
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 12:35 AM, Monday November 7, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kc, Ks]
Punk In Drublic raises $400
sjfixed calls
Sugarol sits in
pokerman4u calls
Bohsman folds
jyor calls
Sugarol calls
kennymagine folds
x_ _ folds
Dealing flop: [7d, Tc, 6d]
Punk In Drublic checks
sjfixed bets $200
pokerman4u calls
jyor calls
Sugarol raises $2,400
Punk In Drublic calls
sjfixed calls
pokerman4u folds
jyor calls
Dealing turn: [5h]
Punk In Drublic checks
sjfixed checks
jyor checks
Sugarol bets $15,800
Punk In Drublic calls
amesads takes a seat
sjfixed folds
jyor folds
Dealing river: [4d]
Sugarol shows [Kh, Th] for a pair of tens
Punk In Drublic shows [Kc, Ks] for a pair of Kings
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $43,700
Sugarol stands up
Sugarol takes a seat
Punk In Drublic wrote
at 12:23 AM, Monday November 7, 2011 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 6c]
Bohsman folds
kiwiVB raises $1,000
Sugarol folds
kennymagine calls
Punk In Drublic calls
sjfixed calls
x_ _ calls
Dealing flop: [Qd, 6s, 7h]
sjfixed checks
x_ _ checks
kiwiVB bets $4,000
kennymagine folds
Punk In Drublic raises $8,000
sjfixed folds
x_ _ folds
kiwiVB raises $7,425
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing turn: [Tc]
Dealing river: [Js]
kiwiVB shows [Ad, Ac] for a pair of Aces
Punk In Drublic shows [6h, 6c] for three sixs
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $28,050
kiwiVB stands up
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Js, 8h]
Sugarol folds
kennymagine calls
Punk In Drublic calls
sjfixed folds
jyor takes a seat
x_ _ raises $1,100
Bohsman folds
kennymagine folds
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing flop: [Th, 9d, 4c]
x_ _ bets $3,000
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing turn: [5c]
x_ _ bets $14,800
Punk In Drublic calls
Dealing river: [Qd]
Punk In Drublic shows [Js, 8h] for a straight Queen high
x_ _ shows [Kd, Ks] for a pair of Kings
Punk In Drublic wins main pot $38,400
x_ _ stands up
x_ _ takes a seat
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