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Crazy Smurf wrote
at 3:27 PM, Monday August 1, 2011 EDT
Ironic how we both got busted for pga the same month <3
Plokijuma wrote
at 2:58 AM, Friday July 29, 2011 EDT
Vita, I hope we can see you back in the game soon. At reviews you can see you have made so many friends here so dont be so upset becouse one of the mods in kdice made a huge mistake. now you can see you have so much friends who are triing to giving a hand for you.
Amber Dyer wrote
at 11:43 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
<3 done.. and sry i didnt know i was ignoring you.. and sometimes i have to think mod first hun, its just how it is now. :S
Amber Dyer wrote
at 1:23 AM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
<.< I cant do nuttin about that vit :( talk to kdicemod if you want unbanned.. a mod cant undo other mods bannings
dottir wrote
at 3:30 PM, Monday July 25, 2011 EDT
Come back vita! We need you to kill the real PGAs now mods are helping them!
vitaminu wrote
at 1:26 PM, Monday July 25, 2011 EDT
hello all my friends,, yes...!!! i got banned , please check my reviews and help if u can,,,thx
/// leave ur review as minimum and tell ur opinion and what u think of my playing style,, thx and all help will be appreciated .
vitaminu wrote
at 1:26 PM, Monday July 25, 2011 EDT
bertjuh wrote
at 9:24 AM, Thursday July 21, 2011 EDT
Vita I got another stabber
Zuma wrote
at 11:05 AM, Sunday June 19, 2011 EDT
to pa mi defeated 3v1, 12 to 2, (3,5,4 to 2)
guay defended 2v2, 6 to 8, (1,5 to 6,2)
guay defended 4v2, 7 to 7, (1,1,4,1 to 5,2)
+2 dice
guay's turn
muro01 defeated 2v1, 4 to 3, (1,3 to 3)
muro01 sits out
+4 dice
superpelage's turn
muro01 sits in
ngosang defeated 3v1, 9 to 2, (1,3,5 to 2)
ngosang defeated 2v1, 4 to 1, (3,1 to 1)
+3 dice
orenf's turn
ngosang defeated 2v1, 7 to 1, (1,6 to 1)
+3 dice
to pa mi's turn
smoto defended 3v2, 12 to 12, (6,2,4 to 6,6)
+4 dice
ngosang's turn
to pa mi defeated 6v1, 21 to 1, (6,5,2,2,5,1 to 1)
to pa mi defeated 5v2, 22 to 2, (4,4,3,5,6 to 1,1)
smoto defeated 4v2, 14 to 10, (4,6,2,2 to 6,4)
smoto defeated 3v1, 10 to 2, (3,4,3 to 2)
superpelage defeated 2v2, 9 to 4, (5,4 to 1,3)
superpelage defeated 2v1, 10 to 5, (6,4 to 5)
+8 dice
smoto's turn
muro01 defeated 4v2, 14 to 6, (1,6,6,1 to 3,3)
ngosang defeated 3v1, 13 to 1, (5,4,4 to 1)
ngosang defeated 2v1, 7 to 4, (5,2 to 4)
ngosang defeated 3v1, 4 to 1, (1,1,2 to 1)
+6 dice
muro01's turn
guay defended 2v3, 11 to 15, (5,6 to 6,6,3)
+1 dice
guay's turn
muro01 sits out
+4 dice
superpelage's turn
smoto defeated 3v2, 12 to 7, (6,2,4 to 1,6)
+2 dice
orenf's turn
superpelage defeated 5v3, 16 to 11, (3,2,4,1,6 to 6,3,2)
ngosang defeated 4v2, 14 to 9, (1,6,1,6 to 6,3)
superpelage defeated 2v1, 8 to 5, (2,6 to 5)
+6 dice
to pa mi's turn
smoto defeated 4v2, 15 to 11, (6,6,1,2 to 6,5)
smoto defeated 3v1, 13 to 2, (4,6,3 to 2)
+4 dice
ngosang's turn
orenf defeated 3v3, 15 to 7, (3,6,6 to 1,5,1)
orenf defeated 2v1, 8 to 4, (2,6 to 4)
+6 dice
smoto's turn
to pa mi defeated 4v3, 14 to 11, (4,5,1,4 to 1,5,5)
+3 dice
muro01's turn
+1 dice
guay's turn
+4 dice
superpelage's turn
to pa mi defeated 3v1, 6 to 3, (1,1,4 to 3)
+2 dice
orenf's turn
+4 dice
to pa mi's turn
smoto defeated 4v3, 16 to 9, (3,1,6,6 to 4,4,1)
smoto defended 3v2, 9 to 10, (2,3,4 to 6,4)
+3 dice
ngosang's turn
smoto defeated 4v2, 17 to 8, (5,3,5,4 to 5,3)
smoto defeated 3v1, 11 to 5, (5,4,2 to 5)
to pa mi defended 2v1, 6 to 6, (1,5 to 6)
+8 dice
smoto's turn
+1 dice
muro01's turn
+1 dice
guay's turn
+4 dice
superpelage's turn
superpelage sits out
+2 dice
orenf's turn
+4 dice
to pa mi's turn
+3 dice
ngosang's turn
orenf defeated 4v2, 16 to 9, (2,6,2,6 to 4,5)
+9 dice
smoto's turn
+1 dice
muro01's turn
+1 dice
guay's turn
+4 dice
superpelage's turn
+2 dice
orenf's turn
+3 dice
to pa mi's turn
+3 dice
ngosang's turn
+9 dice
smoto's turn
+1 dice
muro01's turn
(-100 for 7th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1644th Score: -100 to 416?.
muro01 finishes 7th (forced resign) in round 6
muro01 stands up
guay's turn
orenf defeated 8v6, 25 to 21, (3,2,5,3,2,1,6,3 to 4,5,4,3,3,2)
+5 dice
superpelage's turn
+2 dice
orenf's turn
superpelage defeated 8v7, 24 to 23, (1,1,2,5,3,4,3,5 to 5,4,3,2,5,2,2)
+2 dice
to pa mi's turn
superpelage defended 3v2, 3 to 7, (1,1,1 to 2,5)
+3 dice
ngosang's turn
+9 dice
smoto's turn
to pa mi defeated 8v8, 31 to 29, (1,1,6,6,4,6,4,3 to 1,4,4,6,6,5,1,2)
superpelage defeated 7v2, 27 to 11, (4,3,4,4,3,3,6 to 6,5)
(-82 for 6th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 3142nd Score: -82 to 96?.
superpelage finishes 6th in round 7
superpelage stands up
+3 dice
guay's turn
orenf defeated 8v6, 31 to 25, (4,3,3,4,4,6,2,5 to 3,6,4,6,3,3)
orenf defeated 7v4, 22 to 11, (2,3,1,2,3,5,6 to 1,4,3,3)
+7 dice
orenf's turn
smoto defeated 7v7, 31 to 25, (2,6,5,6,4,5,3 to 5,2,5,4,3,2,4)
smoto defeated 6v2, 29 to 4, (6,6,1,4,6,6 to 3,1)
smoto defeated 5v2, 17 to 6, (1,4,3,4,5 to 4,2)
(-27 for 5th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 662nd Score: -27 to 1522?.
smoto finishes 5th in round 8
smoto stands up
+5 dice
to pa mi's turn
+2 dice
ngosang's turn
guay defeated 8v3, 30 to 9, (2,4,5,6,1,3,3,6 to 3,2,4)
orenf defended 7v5, 22 to 23, (3,3,3,4,1,5,3 to 4,6,1,6,6)
to pa mi defeated 5v3, 20 to 9, (4,6,5,2,3 to 4,1,4)
orenf defeated 4v1, 9 to 4, (2,2,2,3 to 4)
orenf defeated 3v2, 9 to 8, (2,1,6 to 4,4)
orenf defended 2v1, 5 to 6, (4,1 to 6)
+13 dice
guay's turn
orenf defeated 8v5, 30 to 11, (1,1,3,4,6,5,4,6 to 3,1,1,5,1)
orenf defeated 7v1, 26 to 3, (5,2,5,1,3,6,4 to 3)
+6 dice
orenf's turn
ngosang defeated 5v2, 15 to 11, (2,2,5,4,2 to 6,5)
ngosang defeated 4v3, 18 to 10, (3,6,5,4 to 6,2,2)
+3 dice
to pa mi's turn
(-8 for 4th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 701st Score: -8 to 1436?.
orenf finishes 4th in round 9
orenf stands up
neutral defeated 6v4, 19 to 12, (4,1,6,2,1,5 to 6,2,1,3)
neutral defeated 5v1, 21 to 5, (3,5,2,5,6 to 5)
neutral defeated 4v3, 15 to 13, (3,1,6,5 to 3,4,6)
+4 dice
ngosang's turn
guay sits out
guay defeated 4v1, 14 to 4, (1,5,4,4 to 4)
guay defeated 3v2, 11 to 5, (4,2,5 to 4,1)
+13 dice
guay's turn
+3 dice
to pa mi's turn
+4 dice
ngosang's turn
Zuma wrote
at 8:16 AM, Sunday June 19, 2011 EDT
Be careful!!! PGA ward has been identified - guay,to pa mi,buenasuerte,ngosang
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