Level 52
to level 53


Mimi is here....
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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8

Mimi is kind helpful and is a really fun player to play with.oh and her drawings are EXCELLENT lol! =D
mimivilee on Friday July 3, 2009
Mimi is another one of my original sketch buddies. She is so very sweet and talented. I love sketching with her because she is such a great sketcher and she always makes me smile =)
TayBren13 on Saturday June 27, 2009
Mimi is an awesome sketcher and an even better friend. It's difficult to guess when she sketches i can't concentrate :P Also, she is very kind and fun to talk to. :)
sunu on Sunday June 7, 2009
Mimi is a great sketcher.I love her draws.It's fun sketching with her!! <3 =D
zainab on Sunday May 24, 2009
The artist of xsketch, sometimes i forget to guess when she is drawing =p And above all, Mimi is the kinda of person that draws the smile on you with her joyful presence , a very cheerful and supportive person makes xsketch more like home.
G ! on Friday May 22, 2009
Mimi is a very kind and supportive player, and it's always great to have her around =D
ellabella on Thursday May 7, 2009
Mimi is a talented artist and a true friend. She comes in happy and bubbly with a smile on her face (especially when you give her chocolate....lol) but is overall a great person to be around. I think Mimi is a lovely woman and will continue to be the beautiful person she is. xoxo Hayley (Hails5)
Hails5 on Sunday April 12, 2009
Really good at drawing pictures
Stigmatore on Wednesday October 29, 2008
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary