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Replies 1 - 6 of 6
7nst!u wrote
at 2:15 PM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
my 2 running 8's

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5d, 8c]
Top Seller calls
Friends folds
papixu calls
orenbin calls
the yak folds
reidy calls
7nst!u raises $3,100
Top Seller sits out
levskaria raises $3,775
Lucky lollipop folds
Top Seller stands up
papixu folds
orenbin folds
debfre takes a seat
reidy calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, 4s, Qc]
Dealing turn: [8s]
Dealing river: [8d]
reidy shows [2c, Th] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u shows [5d, 8c] for a full house, eights full of Queens
levskaria shows [3h, 3d] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u wins main pot $7,425
7nst!u wins side pot $1,350
levskaria wins side pot $700
reidy stands up

7nst!u wrote
at 2:15 PM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
my 2 running 8's!!

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5d, 8c]
Top Seller calls
Friends folds
papixu calls
orenbin calls
the yak folds
reidy calls
7nst!u raises $3,100
Top Seller sits out
levskaria raises $3,775
Lucky lollipop folds
Top Seller stands up
papixu folds
orenbin folds
debfre takes a seat
reidy calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, 4s, Qc]
Dealing turn: [8s]
Dealing river: [8d]
reidy shows [2c, Th] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u shows [5d, 8c] for a full house, eights full of Queens
levskaria shows [3h, 3d] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u wins main pot $7,425
7nst!u wins side pot $1,350
levskaria wins side pot $700
reidy stands up

7nst!u wrote
at 2:14 PM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
my 2 running 8's!!

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5d, 8c]
Top Seller calls
Friends folds
papixu calls
orenbin calls
the yak folds
reidy calls
7nst!u raises $3,100
Top Seller sits out
levskaria raises $3,775
Lucky lollipop folds
Top Seller stands up
papixu folds
orenbin folds
debfre takes a seat
reidy calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, 4s, Qc]
Dealing turn: [8s]
Dealing river: [8d]
reidy shows [2c, Th] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u shows [5d, 8c] for a full house, eights full of Queens
levskaria shows [3h, 3d] for two pair, Queens and eights
7nst!u wins main pot $7,425
7nst!u wins side pot $1,350
levskaria wins side pot $700
reidy stands up

7nst!u wrote
at 1:01 PM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qd, As]
ramonfaur calls
JRC calls
stafford_wls takes a seat
pater17 calls
Heavy_Dummy calls
7nst!u raises $2,000
ramonfaur calls
JRC calls
pater17 calls
Heavy_Dummy calls
Dealing flop: [Qc, 5h, Ts]
Heavy_Dummy checks
7nst!u bets $4,000
ramonfaur folds
JRC raises $8,000
pater17 folds
Heavy_Dummy folds
7nst!u raises $16,000
JRC calls
Dealing turn: [9c]
7nst!u bets $22,000
JRC raises $50,874
7nst!u calls
Dealing river: [9d]
JRC shows [Qs, 3d] for two pair, Queens and nines
7nst!u shows [Qd, As] for two pair, Queens and nines
7nst!u wins main pot $156,748
JRC stands up

7nst!u wrote
at 11:41 AM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, Ad]
Mayday88 calls
psycology raises $2,000
Gunner30 raises $10,500
7nst!u raises $19,000
Mayday88 folds
psycology raises $299,000
Gunner30 calls
7nst!u raises $295,000
Dealing flop: [6d, Jc, 7h]
Dealing turn: [8c]
Dealing river: [7c]
Gunner30 shows [8d, Ah] for two pair, eights and sevens
7nst!u shows [Ac, Ad] for two pair, Aces and sevens
psycology shows [Ts, Tc] for two pair, tens and sevens
7nst!u wins main pot $614,866
7nst!u wins side pot $192,756
7nst!u wins side pot $14,000
Gunner30 stands up
psycology stands up
7nst!u wrote
at 8:58 PM, Saturday November 8, 2008 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4s, As]
7nst!u raises $1,500
Chicky1984 calls
Dealing flop: [4h, 3h, 4c]
7nst!u bets $1,000
Chicky1984 calls
Dealing turn: [3c]
7nst!u bets $1,000
Chicky1984 calls
Dealing river: [Ah]
7nst!u bets $5,000
Chicky1984 raises $13,364
7nst!u calls
7nst!u shows [4s, As] for a full house, fours full of Aces
Chicky1984 shows [3s, Kh] for a full house, threes full of fours
7nst!u wins main pot $34,728
Chicky1984 stands up
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