Level 70
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Xsketcher Gone Wild: meow!
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maya is really nice... shes funny and a good friend :)
mimivilee on Tuesday January 26, 2010
hi dear...just wanted u to know that sally's gone...i signed out by accident and i don't remember e-mail for that account...so from now on, Hellooo.Kitty is here...see ya... Sally.Bowles
Hellooo.Kitty on Thursday November 26, 2009
Maya gets me. We share the same jokes... it's awesome. In addition, she's a skilled and kind player =) JACKAL! Is it a jackal!? JACKAL!
Kyle_S on Tuesday November 3, 2009
hey maya =) thnx for telling me about tht spammer thingy.. n thnx for knowing it wasnt me. U r a gr8 pictionary player keep up the gr8 guessing =) hope tht i can one day type faster thn u do cause i always lag by like a second =P (jk) cya
Ramiel on Friday September 4, 2009
Rico Milo on Thursday August 6, 2009
you're lovely maya, and you're a wonderful xsketch player :D haven't seen you much these days and i miss you D: but hope to see you soon! you're one of the best friends one could have :)
purpleviolin on Monday July 20, 2009
dont now what to say, just assome
kippet on Saturday July 4, 2009
I luvvvv her! her wacky draw, her guessing talent and her commercial on forum=P she's a great person and a great friend=)
sa|ch| on Tuesday June 30, 2009
Super sweet and super cool! A really nice and cute girl!
Ranca on Tuesday June 30, 2009
I'll say only one thing, I reeeeally love this girl! :)
Sally.Bowles on Saturday June 13, 2009
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary