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TayBren13 wrote
at 4:03 AM, Friday May 25, 2012 EDT
BANO!!!!! <3 <3 <3 :*
TayBren13 wrote
at 2:02 AM, Monday April 30, 2012 EDT
Hi <3
sa|ch| wrote
at 7:32 AM, Thursday March 22, 2012 EDT
XoKotekoX wrote
at 8:36 AM, Monday February 27, 2012 EST
So, I've been on for over an hour.. and No sign of you. Epic amounts of sadface.
XoKotekoX wrote
at 9:09 AM, Friday February 24, 2012 EST
Epic sadface.. Well, Have a fantastic weekend! I Should be on Monday with no problem. lol. But, we'll see. I loves you, Bano!
XoKotekoX wrote
at 10:54 AM, Thursday February 23, 2012 EST
GAHHH! OOKAY! We really fail at this now.. =( </3
XoKotekoX wrote
at 7:03 AM, Thursday February 23, 2012 EST
My Bano.. I Miss you.. I drug my butt out of butt early to play with you.. And you are not on.. =(. Epic sadface.. But, as I type this it's incredibly hard to keep my eyes open so, I think I'm gonna go lay back down.. Hope all is well!
XoKotekoX wrote
at 1:07 PM, Wednesday February 22, 2012 EST
Awe! I miss you too! Sorry! I screwed up my sleep schedule and I Worked early this morning. But, I have tomorrow off! I Will make sure I get up early my time so that we can play. It's just not the same without you. lol. I didn't play at all yesterday.
XoKotekoX wrote
at 11:45 AM, Monday February 20, 2012 EST
Too bad I was awake until 5am my time.. lol. Playing this crazy game. I missed you. I played with your sister though. That was fun. Roarrr!!! =)
XoKotekoX wrote
at 7:45 PM, Sunday February 19, 2012 EST
I love you, My Xsketching partner in crime!
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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