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Replies 1 - 6 of 6
frogger888 wrote
at 4:04 PM, Friday February 19, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9h, 8h]
Messi10 calls
frogger888 raises $30,000
Messi10 calls
Dealing flop: [9c, 7h, 9d]
frogger888 bets $50,000
Messi10 calls
Dealing turn: [4h]
frogger888 bets $120,000
Messi10 calls
Dealing river: [8d]
frogger888 bets $320,000
Messi10 calls
Messi10 shows [Ts, 8c] for two pair, nines and eights
frogger888 shows [9h, 8h] for a full house, nines full of eights
frogger888 wins main pot $1,080,000
Messi10 stands up
frogger888 wrote
at 8:32 PM, Thursday February 18, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5c, 8c]
rhart3 folds
lambo calls
frogger888 raises $5,000
lambo calls
Dealing flop: [9s, 7h, 6c]
lambo bets $55,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing turn: [2h]
lambo bets $246,500
frogger888 raises $493,000
Dealing river: [Qs]
lambo shows [5h, 9d] for a pair of nines
frogger888 shows [5c, 8c] for a straight nine high
frogger888 wins main pot $623,000
frogger888 wins side pot $246,500
lambo stands up
lambo takes a seat
frogger888 wrote
at 8:07 PM, Thursday February 18, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, Ah]
frogger888 calls
rhart3 folds
lambo raises $25,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing flop: [6s, 8h, 7h]
lambo bets $50,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing turn: [7c]
lambo bets $90,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing river: [5h]
lambo bets $120,000
frogger888 raises $480,000
lambo calls
lambo shows [Jc, Js] for two pair, Jacks and sevens
frogger888 shows [Qh, Ah] for a flush Ace high
frogger888 wins main pot $931,500
frogger888 wins side pot $185,500
lambo stands up
lambo takes a seat
frogger888 wrote
at 5:17 PM, Wednesday February 17, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5d, Td]
gutsu calls
pertti77 calls
frogger888 raises $5,000
gutsu raises $20,000
pertti77 folds
frogger888 calls
Dealing flop: [3h, 7h, Tc]
frogger888 checks
gutsu bets $15,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing turn: [5s]
frogger888 checks
gutsu bets $30,000
frogger888 raises $60,000
gutsu calls
Dealing river: [5h]
frogger888 bets $178,696
gutsu calls
frogger888 shows [5d, Td] for a full house, fives full of tens
gutsu shows [Ah, Ad] for two pair, Aces and fives
frogger888 wins main pot $562,392
frogger888 wrote
at 3:27 PM, Wednesday February 17, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [As, Ac]
pricey2k5 raises $1,500
frogger888 raises $3,000
pricey2k5 calls
Dealing flop: [5d, Kc, 5c]
frogger888 checks
pricey2k5 bets $10,000
frogger888 calls
Dealing turn: [4c]
frogger888 checks
pricey2k5 checks
Dealing river: [5s]
frogger888 bets $12,000
pricey2k5 raises $87,000
frogger888 calls
pricey2k5 shows [Kh, Js] for a full house, fives full of Kings
frogger888 shows [As, Ac] for a full house, fives full of Aces
frogger888 wins main pot $202,000
pricey2k5 stands up
pricey2k5 takes a seat
frogger888 wrote
at 10:32 PM, Tuesday April 21, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8s, 9h]
harley 06 raises $200
Gregory K folds
frogger888 calls
double10 calls
Thunder Bob calls
I_Want_It_All calls
Twoballz13 raises $900
kcTbird calls
harley 06 raises $10,400
frogger888 calls
double10 folds
Thunder Bob folds
I_Want_It_All calls
Twoballz13 calls
kcTbird folds
Dealing flop: [8d, 6h, 2c]
Twoballz13 bets $21,700
frogger888 calls
Dealing turn: [9d]
Dealing river: [8c]
Twoballz13 shows [Kd, Kh] for two pair, Kings and eights
harley 06 shows [6c, As] for two pair, eights and sixs
frogger888 shows [8s, 9h] for a full house, eights full of nines
I_Want_It_All shows [4d, Ad] for a pair of eights
frogger888 wins main pot $44,200
frogger888 wins side pot $600
frogger888 wins side pot $1,800
Twoballz13 wins side pot $20,800
harley 06 stands up
I_Want_It_All stands up
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