![]() Level 51
![]() to level 52 |
P i c a s s oAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. picasso come back xsketch is not fun without you
TParker on Sunday August 30, 2009 hi
Rico Milo on Thursday August 6, 2009 I luvvvv him. xsketch is no fun without him. a really good sketcher and guesser, a great combination of both=)
sa|ch| on Tuesday June 30, 2009 Wonderful sketcher! Serious skills!
Ranca on Tuesday June 30, 2009 Fucking Jewish Scum. PROOF that jews did 9/11: http://tinyurl.com/mktmur
Ramiel on Monday June 29, 2009 Pic is beyond Nice. He is a Wonderful sketcher and a great guesser. He kind of reminds me of somebody else on Xsketch but Gee... I just can't put my finger on it =P
TayBren13 on Friday June 19, 2009 Picasso is a a super cool person, very kind and easy to talk to. I love his sketches. They are so perfect! It's really good to know him and have him as a friend :)
sunu on Friday June 19, 2009 woot! picasso, congrats on number one, have always liked your sketches and personality, you are an asset to the site.
BTW :A Picasso sketchbook worth has been stolen from a Paris museum where were you yesterday?
quickcut on Wednesday June 10, 2009 Picasso is a lovely person, always very friendly, is a good guesser, and also important to this game, is a great SKETCHER! Wow! It's always a pleasure looking at your draws. They're wonderful. This is why he deserves his rank. Although, now watch out, he is definitely a dark horse and I am sure you will get in the top 5 if not top 3. Good luck this month Pic!
mayaphrodite on Tuesday June 9, 2009 <3 P i c a s s o <3!! is an awesome player!He is one of the friendliest player, very supportive and polite.It's fun sketching with him =D <3
zainab on Sunday May 24, 2009 |