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PokerFranci wrote
at 9:38 AM, Friday February 10, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Js, Tc]
Chicago23 raises $4,500
Salvyy folds
Adiclas folds
PokerFranci calls
jasonmckenna87 folds
tiks777 folds
Dealing flop: [7s, 8d, Ts]
Chicago23 bets $4,000
PokerFranci calls
Dealing turn: [Jh]
Chicago23 bets $4,000
PokerFranci calls
Dealing river: [3c]
Chicago23 bets $25,000
PokerFranci calls
PokerFranci shows [Js, Tc] for two pair, Jacks and tens
Chicago23 shows [7c, Jc] for two pair, Jacks and sevens
PokerFranci wins main pot $76,500
PokerFranci wrote
at 8:38 AM, Friday February 10, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6s, 9s]
floridamom calls
PokerFranci calls
Salvyy calls
peel66 calls
Pietpotllood checks
Dealing flop: [Ts, 4s, 7d]
peel66 bets $210
Pietpotllood calls
floridamom calls
PokerFranci raises $420
Salvyy folds
Pietpotllood calls
floridamom calls
Dealing turn: [8c]
Pietpotllood checks
floridamom checks
PokerFranci bets $680
Pietpotllood calls
floridamom folds
Dealing river: [4h]
Pietpotllood checks
PokerFranci bets $300
Pietpotllood raises $4,600
PokerFranci calls
PokerFranci shows [6s, 9s] for a straight ten high
peel66 shows [4c, 2c] for three fours
Pietpotllood shows [Kc, 7h] for two pair, sevens and fours
PokerFranci wins main pot $1,840
PokerFranci wins side pot $11,190
peel66 stands up
PokerFranci wrote
at 7:35 AM, Friday February 10, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, Ah]
stormy88 checks
Benjamin Müller calls
PokerFranci raises $100
ACS calls
baloed raises $4,800
Trible-x raises $4,925
Benjamin Müller sits out
Benjamin Müller sits out
@R_BuildersLLC folds
stormy88 folds
Benjamin Müller stands up
PokerFranci calls
ACS calls
Dealing flop: [6h, Qh, 2h]
PokerFranci bets $50
ACS calls
Dealing turn: [Th]
Dealing river: [6s]
PokerFranci shows [Tc, Ah] for a flush Ace high
ACS shows [3d, 3s] for two pair, sixs and threes
baloed shows [5c, Kc] for a pair of sixs
Trible-x shows [Jd, Qc] for two pair, Queens and sixs
PokerFranci wins main pot $19,300
PokerFranci wins side pot $450
PokerFranci wins side pot $100
ACS stands up
baloed stands up
Trible-x stands up
Trible-x takes a seat
baloed takes a seat
PokerFranci wrote
at 10:35 AM, Thursday February 9, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8h, 7c]
RazorSharp41 folds
PokerFranci raises $780
10_7_2 raises $2,172
Dave H calls
mb one folds
PokerFranci calls
Dealing flop: [8s, 2s, 8c]
yodo takes a seat
Dealing turn: [7h]
Dealing river: [4c]
PokerFranci shows [8h, 7c] for a full house, eights full of sevens
10_7_2 shows [Kd, Qd] for a pair of eights
Dave H shows [5h, 2d] for two pair, eights and twos
PokerFranci wins main pot $3,725
PokerFranci wins side pot $1,894
10_7_2 stands up
Dave H stands up
Dave H takes a seat
PokerFranci wrote
at 7:34 AM, Tuesday February 7, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8d, 4d]
kaeo sits in
Bryan Bragg calls
master of poker7 raises $1,450
Lover of Boobs folds
srdavebetterhalf calls
PokerFranci calls
Lover of Boobs stands up
noddin0ff folds
kaeo raises $2,900
Bryan Bragg calls
Dealing flop: [Ts, 8h, 7c]
kaeo bets $4,425
Bryan Bragg folds
Dealing turn: [5c]
Dealing river: [Th]
kaeo shows [6s, 5s] for two pair, tens and fives
master of poker7 shows [7d, 3h] for two pair, tens and sevens
srdavebetterhalf shows [Jc, Ks] for a pair of tens
PokerFranci shows [8d, 4d] for two pair, tens and eights
PokerFranci wins main pot $7,275
PokerFranci wins side pot $100
master of poker7 wins side pot $75
kaeo wins side pot $7,325
srdavebetterhalf stands up
PokerFranci wrote
at 3:27 AM, Tuesday February 7, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8h, 8s]
Moog_1 folds
PokerFranci calls
kingsdrive calls
rico83 calls
fularry007 raises $175
poirotholmes calls
PokerFranci raises $700
kingsdrive folds
rico83 folds
fularry007 calls
poirotholmes calls
Dealing flop: [9s, 8c, 7c]
fularry007 checks
poirotholmes checks
PokerFranci bets $1,500
fularry007 folds
poirotholmes calls
Dealing turn: [7h]
Dealing river: [4s]
PokerFranci shows [8h, 8s] for a full house, eights full of sevens
poirotholmes shows [4c, Jd] for two pair, sevens and fours
PokerFranci wins main pot $3,850
PokerFranci wins side pot $750
poirotholmes stands up
PokerFranci wrote
at 4:03 PM, Monday February 6, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8c, 8d]
cluless calls
PokerFranci raises $1,286
mb one folds
redplanet folds
cluless calls
Dealing flop: [3d, 4h, Jd]
Villager takes a seat
cluless checks
PokerFranci bets $515
cluless calls
Dealing turn: [Qc]
cluless checks
PokerFranci bets $1,485
cluless calls
Dealing river: [6s]
PokerFranci shows [8c, 8d] for a pair of eights
cluless shows [Th, 9h] for Queen high
PokerFranci wins main pot $6,275
PokerFranci wins side pot $186
cluless stands up
PokerFranci wrote
at 5:51 AM, Monday February 6, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, Qs]
blue021 takes a seat
PerfectI calls
flink six calls
PokerFranci calls
Lorenzo007 raises $4,950
komod takes a seat
intotalfocus calls
Agravain folds
PerfectI calls
flink six folds
PokerFranci calls
Dealing flop: [4s, 2s, Js]
Dealing turn: [Qd]
Dealing river: [3d]
PokerFranci shows [Tc, Qs] for a pair of Queens
Lorenzo007 shows [7c, 7s] for a pair of sevens
intotalfocus shows [Kh, Th] for King high
PerfectI shows [8s, 8h] for a pair of eights
PokerFranci wins main pot $10,933
PokerFranci wins side pot $6,312
PokerFranci wins side pot $388
Lorenzo007 stands up
intotalfocus stands up
PerfectI stands up
PerfectI takes a seat
Lorenzo007 takes a seat
tyz takes a seat
PokerFranci wrote
at 5:39 AM, Monday February 6, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4d, 2c]
intotalfocus calls
Agravain calls
likiihood folds
PokerFranci checks
Dealing flop: [Qd, 2s, 2h]
likiihood stands up
PokerFranci checks
intotalfocus bets $500
Agravain folds
PokerFranci calls
Dealing turn: [4c]
PokerFranci checks
intotalfocus bets $500
PokerFranci raises $1,000
intotalfocus raises $1,000
PokerFranci raises $1,000
intotalfocus calls
Dealing river: [3c]
PokerFranci bets $409
intotalfocus calls
PokerFranci shows [4d, 2c] for a full house, twos full of fours
intotalfocus shows [8h, Ks] for a pair of twos
PokerFranci wins main pot $5,993
PokerFranci wrote
at 9:44 AM, Friday February 3, 2012 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6s, Ks]
PokerFranci calls
Ronaldinho 10 raises $1,400
Aces Over calls
Pietpotllood folds
WinstonSmith takes a seat
PokerFranci calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 4s, 7s]
Aces Over folds
PokerFranci checks
Ronaldinho 10 bets $3,200
William Munny takes a seat
PokerFranci calls
Dealing turn: [Ad]
PokerFranci bets $2,500
Ronaldinho 10 raises $5,000
PokerFranci calls
Dealing river: [9d]
PokerFranci bets $2,500
Ronaldinho 10 raises $5,000
PokerFranci calls
PokerFranci shows [6s, Ks] for a flush King high
Ronaldinho 10 shows [9h, Js] for a pair of nines
PokerFranci wins main pot $30,800
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