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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10
Oooh just saw that you were here this month and i missed you :/
brunettebarbie on Saturday June 21, 2014 Chrisssssssssss. I haven't seen you in so long. hope you are well! anyway, i just want to say that it was always fun to have you around sketch. youre an incredbible drawer and guesser and a great person. always fun chats whenever you were around. hope you get the chance to stop by sketch again sometime and play a few rounds!
joeprobaseball on Saturday February 8, 2014 He is my favourite <3
SillyDuck on Thursday June 14, 2012 SRSLYYYYYYY, Chris is super awesome at EVERYTHINGGG.
drawing, guessing, cooking, and... jumping (like an onion!)
he's such a sweetie~ I LUVS HIM! <3
deleria on Friday October 29, 2010 Chris is THE nicest, sweetest kiwi I've ever met. His drawings are awesome and it's always fun to have him at the table....<3 ya chriso :D
Maddy_13 on Wednesday September 22, 2010 Chris is a sweetheart and everyone who has played with him loves him. He's often willing to hang from the ceilng fan, flap his moobs, or be barbequed just for our sketching pleasure. Gotta love the kiwi!
purplechick on Saturday September 11, 2010 Words can not describe Chris.
Nor can any of my crummy drawings.
Only one of Chris' amazing drawings can begin to describe how amazing he is.
Wurlyearly on Wednesday September 8, 2010 Chris is a super nice person and an excellent addition to Xsketch! You'll never meet a nicer guy dressed as a Kiwi ;P It is a pleasure to call him Friend :)
TayBren13 on Thursday August 26, 2010 chrissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i've been wanting to write a review for himmmmmmmmm for sooooo longgg. he is a sweetheart. he is the most loveable kiwiiii and this bear just luvs this kiwi !!!!:D he is simply awesome the moment he is on the table things brighten up and i smile at the screen as his aura is soooooo greatttt!!....i'm more thn lucky to have him as my friend!!!!
chrissssssss loads of luv and wishes!!!!!:))
mausam on Thursday July 22, 2010 What can I say about my daaaahling Chris!
He is the sweetest, cutest, and most hilarious new Zealand drunk I've ever met :P And that is why I loves him!
My other half regularly finishes/starts a good sing-a-long and we end up getting the entire room involved too! (We should think about touring Chris, really!)
And even though it all started with a rather sad looking Chinese dog on the west side, he gradually came over to the east and started a beautiful new friendship :D
I can't believe I'm the first reviewer, but because I know he's an excellent addition to both the game and the players, I know for a fact there will be loads more :D
Love ya Chris! <3
MrsBrightside on Thursday July 8, 2010 |