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Xerski wrote
at 7:31 AM, Friday September 10, 2010 EDT
Info about how I play the game:

Never lie.
Play fair (obviously everyone seems to have different perspectives on what is fair, I generally use the 'would I do this to my friend if he was sitting next to me' question to see what is fair)
Accept all flags unless there is a serious reason not too (listed below).
Will always watch others moves, always looking for players being helpful/unhelpful during the game.
Have fun.

Some things people get annoyed with me for:

If someone claims a position (eg 4th) does not automatically give them a right to roll-off for that position. Some people are just idiots.
If someone flags with no chance to fight later in the game, and they are last, I often don't accept. If they are say 2nd last, I make them flag that position. If you can fight, I almost always accept flag.
Attack me then flag, or block me then flag. Unless there is a good reason (like I have 1st and you are connecting) I will take whatever is needed then accept.
People who talk constantly in chat then complain of on-board situation, eg 2v1. Normally when I am leader I try to discourage unfair 2v1, but if the 1 has been bitching all game, I'll just let him die.
Sometimes when I can't be arsed to argue I just flag out, which bizzarely some people don't like. I don't actually care for points in total. I just play to do as well as possible in each individual game. If I get fed up with a game, and stop caring (when someone is being a pain, normally connected with flagging), I'll just flag out. I really don't care about the points, please don't worry.

Finally, it's a game. I made this because most people think I'm fair, and some morons hate me (don't care) but some players who just have different views don't trust me. If you care enough to be reading this, just remember to enjoy the game. If you aren't, turn off your computer and go do something different :)
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