Level 19
to level 20


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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 2:53 AM, Thursday December 8, 2011 EST by kellykellymoore
Silverest: one of these days
Silverest: i wont show up to xsketch anymore
Silverest: you guys will miss me

Silverest: no one else can invoke such emotions and passion
Silverest: by drawing poop
Silverest: like i can

A contributor in his own mind..ty for the poop, Silv..=)

This player has been modded by the community

. +play Hero Of Time 11:59 PM, Tuesday April 10, 2012 EDT
Please stop point dumping, it's not hard to stand if you're not going to play the game. -play Hero Of Time 11:59 PM, Tuesday April 10, 2012 EDT
just sat in and didn't draw +play Hero Of Time 12:40 PM, Thursday December 29, 2011 EST
just sat in and didn't draw -play Hero Of Time 12:40 PM, Thursday December 29, 2011 EST
What up buddy! +play PM325 11:30 PM, Wednesday June 1, 2011 EDT
Drawing penises, definitely knows better. Sorry buddy, see me next month. -play PM325 9:12 PM, Wednesday May 25, 2011 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 1 of 1

Contrary to what its name suggests, he is a heart of gold that never rests. (easy, easy, i know lol). At Kdice or, xsketch particulary, : always polite and fair. It was a pleasure to play with him. It's still a pleasure to play with Silverest. And i hope to play sketch in his company in the future for long time, and share good time with the other sketchers and himself. :{D
Clarinette on Monday January 10, 2011
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary