Level 35
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Career Performance


Month Rank Score Rounds Good SketchesAvg. Sketch Time Good GuessesAvg Guess. Time
April 2017 65th 2,672 30 5 (55%) 28s 20 (25%) 33s
January 2017 17th 5,400 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
January 2016 125th 1,422 15 2 (66%) 21s 13 (27%) 20s
November 2015 157th 900 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
September 2015 161st 594 7 2 (66%) 26s 4 (36%) 12s
August 2015 126th 924 16 6 (100%) 29s 10 (52%) 20s
July 2015 77th 1,268 63 30 (100%) 65s 32 (35%) 68s
June 2015 37th 3,618 262 97 (100%) 51s 161 (30%) 53s
March 2015 176th 62 7 3 (100%) 51s 3 (15%) 78s
February 2015 433rd 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
January 2015 193rd 246 16 6 (100%) 47s 10 (63%) 53s
December 2014 103rd 414 32 16 (100%) 56s 16 (55%) 66s
November 2014 12th 3,869 337 141 (100%) 59s 188 (35%) 55s
October 2014 86th 850 44 16 (100%) 66s 26 (29%) 51s
August 2014 996th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
March 2014 214th 204 15 6 (100%) 66s 9 (35%) 58s
December 2013 111th 1,252 91 49 (100%) 58s 42 (64%) 51s
November 2013 600th 0 0 0 (0%) 0s 0 (0%) 0s
August 2013 105th 116 133 30 (63%) 47s 24 (12%) 55s
July 2013 33rd 746 333 76 (63%) 51s 55 (14%) 54s
June 2013 97th 216 149 35 (53%) 51s 22 (19%) 49s
May 2013 199th 76 114 21 (55%) 44s 13 (10%) 53s
April 2013 303rd 20 18 3 (50%) 30s 3 (25%) 37s
February 2013 164th 116 37 5 (38%) 39s 5 (25%) 41s
January 2013 69th 729 295 52 (54%) 53s 50 (9%) 55s
December 2012 37th 2,394 1193 181 (65%) 47s 129 (10%) 49s
November 2012 64th 675 471 86 (62%) 51s 65 (14%) 48s
October 2012 113th 230 82 13 (43%) 55s 12 (15%) 53s
September 2012 193rd 116 106 16 (53%) 52s 13 (11%) 53s
August 2012 19th 5,141 2565 440 (67%) 50s 285 (11%) 52s
July 2012 7th 10,617 2971 513 (72%) 50s 430 (9%) 50s
June 2012 69th 1,080 390 56 (60%) 51s 51 (7%) 48s
May 2012 253rd 208 53 5 (71%) 51s 7 (7%) 48s
April 2012 299th 342 103 17 (68%) 48s 12 (8%) 41s
March 2012 42nd 6,076 1550 197 (75%) 47s 168 (6%) 47s
February 2012 41st 4,809 1634 229 (68%) 50s 156 (7%) 50s
January 2012 118th 1,749 276 42 (69%) 50s 37 (8%) 48s
December 2011 13th 17,924 4685 564 (70%) 46s 563 (6%) 46s
November 2011 95th 1,914 681 84 (71%) 50s 53 (6%) 50s
October 2011 606th 64 9 2 (100%) 41s 1 (6%) 81s
September 2011 61st 2,552 409 61 (72%) 51s 60 (8%) 46s
August 2011 14th 21,067 3661 503 (76%) 40s 440 (5%) 44s
July 2011 13th 22,744 4905 717 (77%) 42s 645 (5%) 44s
June 2011 135th 1,150 541 49 (52%) 41s 57 (6%) 45s
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary