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Ramjeet IV

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Online Status: Ramjeet IV is offline since 12:06:18 Sep 21, 2012 EDT
About: Mimian to but the tiri bachin akilar,
baleri ke muki ale bachin akilaaaaar,

Mimian to but the tiri bachin akilar,
baleri ke muki ale bachin akilar,

I'll retari nakesiri ona tar, (Aoouuuuuh!)

The Mundian to bach ke Rahi,
with the Hurle, hurle, hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach ke Rahi
with the Hurle, Hurle, Hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach keee Rahiiiiiiiiii-ahhh!


Eraki kisure gemme silli etha Hoker-e,
siki eth adama sillin millin etha hoker-eee,

Eraki kisure gemme silli etha Hoker-e,
siki eth adama sillin millin etha hoker-eeeee,

Tami ke Rakimi itoml-mi putai,
Tami ke Rakimi itoml-mi putai,

U'll the muri gemmi onli albahar, (Aoouuuuuh!)

The Mundian to bach ke Rahi,
with the Hurle, hurle, hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach ke Rahi
with the Hurle, Hurle, Hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach keee Rahiiiiiiiiii-ahhh!

Garib beat to wan mi pea urub da tha marda
pot della alla ina Hurlara miss tha hardaaa,

Garib beat to wan mi pea urub da tha marda
pot della alla ina Hurlara miss tha hardaaa,

On Ai go the Hindi you konimi kanithor,
On Ai go the Hindi you konimi kanithor,

I'll gerent the ersoni koinar, (Aoouuuuuh!)

The Mundian to bach ke Rahi,
with the Hurle, hurle, hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach ke Rahi
with the Hurle, Hurle, Hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach keee Rahiiiiiiiiii-ahhh!


Mundian To Bullop eneri ab tha Harria,
tell mi if Ai Canabi eneri abi sharia,

Mundian To Bullop eneri ab tha Harria,
tell mi if Ai Canabi eneri abi sharia,

Then you up tha heuabe erubi ab di wanna,
Then you up tha heuabe erubi ab di wanna,

In tha Sackin and tha Hussin ant tha wa, (Aoouuuuuh!)

The Mundian to bach ke Rahi,
with the Hurle, hurle, hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach ke Rahi
with the Hurle, Hurle, Hurle murd Bilar,
The Mundian to bach keee Rahiiiiiiiiii-ahhh!
City: Punjab
Country: India
Sex: Male

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