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Replies 1 - 8 of 8
pelotxos wrote
at 5:16 PM, Sunday May 2, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qc, Ts]
gramps4 raises $5,791
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [5s, 6s, 8s]
Dealing turn: [2d]
Dealing river: [9s]
pelotxos shows [Qc, Ts] for a flush ten high
gramps4 shows [Jc, 7h] for a straight nine high
pelotxos wins main pot $17,982
gramps4 finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
gramps4 stands up
pelotxos finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 5:14 PM, Thursday April 8, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9c, Kh]
Mckconkel calls
pelotxos raises $6,400
Mckconkel raises $32,750
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [9h, 4c, Ac]
Dealing turn: [2d]
Dealing river: [5d]
pelotxos shows [9c, Kh] for a pair of nines
Mckconkel shows [3d, 3h] for a straight five high
Mckconkel wins main pot $66,900
Mckconkel wins side pot $5,700
pelotxos finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
pelotxos stands up
Mckconkel finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 5:14 PM, Wednesday April 7, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9c, Qd]
pelotxos raises $4,800
fundure raises $22,000
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [Kc, Tc, 8d]
Dealing turn: [5h]
Dealing river: [2h]
pelotxos shows [9c, Qd] for King high
fundure shows [Jh, Jd] for a pair of Jacks
fundure wins main pot $48,148
fundure wins side pot $1,126
pelotxos finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
pelotxos stands up
fundure finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 5:15 PM, Tuesday April 6, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8d, 6d]
pelotxos calls
phil c raises $30,506
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [2c, 4c, 5c]
Dealing turn: [8c]
Dealing river: [Ks]
pelotxos shows [8d, 6d] for a pair of eights
phil c shows [Jh, Ts] for King high
pelotxos wins main pot $73,812
phil c finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
phil c stands up
pelotxos finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 5:38 PM, Sunday March 7, 2010 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, Qd]
MrLimbr raises $400
tomaka calls
2GUNS calls
jack be nimble calls
pelotxos calls
gchris calls
sk04 calls
Dealing flop: [6s, 2s, Qc]
gchris bets $1,000
sk04 folds
MrLimbr folds
tomaka folds
2GUNS raises $4,000
jack be nimble calls
pelotxos calls
gchris raises $10,200
2GUNS raises $17,038
jack be nimble calls
pelotxos calls
gchris calls
Dealing turn: [2d]
Dealing river: [Th]
2GUNS shows [Qs, 9c] for two pair, Queens and twos
jack be nimble shows [As, 5s] for a pair of twos
pelotxos shows [Qh, Qd] for a full house, Queens full of twos
gchris shows [6d, 6c] for a full house, sixs full of twos
pelotxos wins main pot $69,124
pelotxos wins side pot $7,257
gchris wins side pot $800
2GUNS wins side pot $1,638
jack be nimble stands up
pelotxos wrote
at 5:13 PM, Monday February 8, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9h, 3h]
ELBOW1 raises $11,550
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [6d, Qh, 7c]
Dealing turn: [4h]
Dealing river: [7h]
pelotxos shows [9h, 3h] for a flush Queen high
ELBOW1 shows [2d, 3d] for a pair of sevens
pelotxos wins main pot $29,500
ELBOW1 finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
ELBOW1 stands up
pelotxos finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 5:06 PM, Wednesday January 20, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, Ad]
ohrchen raises $5,500
ujlakid calls
pelotxos calls
Dealing flop: [2d, 5s, 2h]
ujlakid checks
pelotxos checks
Dealing turn: [7d]
ujlakid bets $3,200
pelotxos calls
Dealing river: [As]
ujlakid bets $3,200
pelotxos raises $24,425
ujlakid calls
pelotxos shows [Kh, Ad] for two pair, Aces and twos
ohrchen shows [Qc, 6h] for a pair of twos
ujlakid shows [7s, 9d] for two pair, sevens and twos
pelotxos wins main pot $16,500
pelotxos wins side pot $55,250
ohrchen finishes the tournament 3rd and wins $7,500
ohrchen stands up

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, Ad]
ujlakid raises $4,800
pelotxos raises $6,400
ujlakid calls
Dealing flop: [2d, Kd, Jh]
Dealing turn: [4d]
Dealing river: [9d]
pelotxos shows [7d, Ad] for a flush Ace high
ujlakid shows [Jd, 8d] for a flush King high
pelotxos wins main pot $12,900
pelotxos wins side pot $3,150
ujlakid finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $11,000
ujlakid stands up
pelotxos finishes the tournament 1st and wins $19,000
pelotxos wrote
at 8:24 AM, Saturday December 26, 2009 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ah, As]
lucky26062 folds
pelotxos calls
gmanc calls
Graham56 folds
yourmom666 checks
LordBarrett calls
bezzers calls
WhoMe2 calls
katingou2 checks
Dealing flop: [9h, 5h, Qs]
WhoMe2 bets $500
katingou2 calls
pelotxos calls
gmanc folds
yourmom666 calls
LordBarrett folds
bezzers raises $3,000
WhoMe2 calls
katingou2 calls
pelotxos calls
yourmom666 folds
Dealing turn: [7h]
WhoMe2 checks
katingou2 checks
pelotxos checks
bezzers bets $3,000
WhoMe2 folds
katingou2 calls
pelotxos calls
Dealing river: [Ac]
katingou2 checks
pelotxos checks
bezzers bets $3,000
katingou2 calls
pelotxos calls
bezzers shows [Tc, Qc] for a pair of Queens
katingou2 shows [6h, 5s] for a pair of fives
pelotxos shows [Ah, As] for three Aces
pelotxos wins main pot $23,800
pelotxos wins side pot $5,400
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