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Lblack wrote
at 9:51 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
Projarrad: LOL
Projarrad: she started it
Projarrad: all i said was mis stink go all in
Projarrad: and she lost it at me
JohnnyCash has left
Projarrad: so beat it
Projarrad: jsut beat it
Projarrad: their out to get you better leave what you can
Miss_Tink_1377: no i didnt u keep call me stinkey
hyman is here
Projarrad: dont wanna be a boy you wanna be a man
Projarrad: they'll kick you and they'll beat you and they'll tell you its fair
poke-oh is here
Projarrad: so beat it
Projarrad: jsut beait it
hyman has left
poke-oh is here
poke-oh is here
Lblack wrote
at 9:46 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
mryoso: its bull shit
Projarrad: ugly snuffelufagus
Miss_Tink_1377: no its not hun
mryoso: i dont know why they doing that kind of shit
AngusB is here
Projarrad: ur like a trampoline
Dead_aim15: lawl at snuffelfagusu
AngusB has left
Miss_Tink_1377: shut up pro
Projarrad: large and springy
debfre has left
Projarrad: chod face
johnn_514: brb
Miss_Tink_1377: kk
Lblack wrote
at 9:42 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
Projarrad: stiiiiiiiiinkey
thirsty454 has left
Projarrad: stinkey stinkey stinkey
Projarrad: minkey minkey moo
mryoso is here
Projarrad: ur photo is ugly/gay btw
Shawty has left
Lblack wrote
at 9:41 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
Projarrad: stinkeys gay
Projarrad: she stinks alot
Lblack wrote
at 9:06 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
Damitchey has left
Projarrad: stinkiey minkey
billyjack69 is here
Projarrad: stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinkey
Miss_Tink_1377: put ur real pic up stupid
TravisNYC is here
Projarrad: stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinky
Lblack wrote
at 9:06 PM, Tuesday July 28, 2009 EDT
Projarrad: STINKEY
Miss_Tink_1377: ty
Projarrad: WOOOT WOOT
gmow has left
Go_aT 44 has left
chungking has left
Projarrad: stinkey why u so shit at this
Miss_Tink_1377: shut up pro
Projarrad: ur ranking and stench and all
Damitchey: barry
Projarrad: go back to that shit hole u call home
Projarrad: u stinker
Miss_Tink_1377: lblac is that me in pic
sam172 is here
Phinex has left
Projarrad: U LSOT
Projarrad: LOOOOSER
Projarrad: LOOOOSER
Projarrad: STINKEY
Projarrad: U LSOT
Fritzy/sassy wrote
at 7:56 PM, Tuesday June 2, 2009 EDT
so sorry to hear of your loss :( please let me know if there's any thing I can do for you both. love and prayers
Doe Doe wrote
at 8:21 AM, Wednesday May 20, 2009 EDT
y cant i get fatchicks' wall?
Lblack wrote
at 12:29 PM, Tuesday March 24, 2009 EDT
Well, I am very pleased with everything that has been good to me; so all of ya have fun n njoy!
Lblack wrote
at 9:54 AM, Friday March 6, 2009 EST
Arunce: who are you bitch with name coutry girl?
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