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boobear2009 wrote
at 12:35 PM, Monday February 15, 2010 EST
miss you :)
bhwrice wrote
at 4:53 PM, Monday February 1, 2010 EST
Congrats on your gold, I look forward to you helping guess my terrible sketches next month as well!
mayaphrodite wrote
at 4:39 PM, Monday February 1, 2010 EST
Hey Purpy durpy! I had fun playing with you today! Thanks for the games! You make the table uber duper fun and noobs well... almost bearable. Miss you!
boobear2009 wrote
at 12:12 PM, Monday February 1, 2010 EST
Thank you pc for all tha games, and yes drawing the naugty bits wouldnt be the same at all without you!!! way to go on the medal!! thats awesome! See you soon :)
TayBren13 wrote
at 11:09 AM, Monday February 1, 2010 EST
Hi PC =)Just wanted to say congrats for another shiny Gold and thank you for another month of games. I had a lot of fun sketching with you and hope to sketch with you a bunch more this month =D
MrFoxy wrote
at 7:23 AM, Monday February 1, 2010 EST
Yatta! Congrats on the goldage. :)
mayaphrodite wrote
at 3:44 PM, Sunday January 31, 2010 EST
hey Purp! Since I'm probably not gonna be here for the uncovering of the winners, I'm gonna say CONGRATS! And if the leaderboard is still stuck later, HAPPY GOLD MEDAL! Hooray hooray! But for now, good luck!
mayaphrodite wrote
at 11:35 AM, Tuesday January 12, 2010 EST
Hey purpy! I missed you! thanks for the message. I'm doing well, as you have heard the news maybe, I'm engaged!! Yay and probably getting married at the end of this year.. We'll see though. Sorry I haven't been on xsketch much, haven't really had much time... but I'll be back! ATM I'm at my friends' house planning things for the wedding as she's gonna be my maid of honor... I'll be back on xsketch soon though!!! Thanks for worrying!!! I miss you all, hope you all miss me too!
Hellooo.Kitty wrote
at 9:29 PM, Thursday January 7, 2010 EST
We started a petition for getting rooms back...so please, thumb up next post:
TayBren13 wrote
at 11:47 AM, Saturday January 2, 2010 EST
Congrats on that second Bronze Metal :)
Had fun sketching with ya! See ya soon =)
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary