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purpleviolin wrote
at 7:46 PM, Thursday December 31, 2009 EST
Purplepurplepurplechick! my twin :D How are you? I hope you are wonderful! I hope you have a lovely and happy new year! I've had fun sketching with you this year, and I hope you keep playing! Take care, and all the very best for 2010!
Hellooo.Kitty wrote
at 9:43 AM, Saturday December 26, 2009 EST
Merry Christmas dear purple to you and to whole your family...wish u the most beautiful time...take care =)
PM325 wrote
at 12:46 AM, Friday December 25, 2009 EST
We're gonna be so fat!!!! All the food I could want, and Mama's homemade chocolate pie with meringue. I love the holidays. Merry Christmas from your very happy, very full DE.
mayaphrodite wrote
at 5:17 AM, Thursday December 24, 2009 EST
Purpy durpy!!! Have a merry Christmas this year and maybe if I don't see you anymore this year.. a happy new year! (If I do see you, I'll tell you straight) hihi thanks for the lovely marshy drawings, the funny and wonderful inside jokes and making fun of mrs boob ear :P Miss you hun! Enjoy your holidays!!!
boobear2009 wrote
at 10:56 AM, Wednesday December 23, 2009 EST
Merry Christmas PC :) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe trip!!!. See you in the new year!
TayBren13 wrote
at 6:23 PM, Tuesday December 22, 2009 EST
Hi Miss PC =) I wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year :) Look forward to many more games =)
purpleviolin wrote
at 12:23 AM, Wednesday December 2, 2009 EST
congratulations purple : ) my twin

good luck for this month!
Willab89 wrote
at 1:16 PM, Tuesday December 1, 2009 EST
Hey Purple!Thanks for the comment, it was nice to sketch with you too :)
Look forward to sketching with you too :D
geshoo wrote
at 12:32 PM, Tuesday December 1, 2009 EST
Congrats on 1st!! :)
Nadira wrote
at 11:11 AM, Tuesday December 1, 2009 EST
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary